Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Arctic Savannahs - Savannah Cat Breeder -Norway


Staff member

We are a husband and wife team with a few cats in our home trying to establish our own lines in the Bengal and Savannah breeds. In order to do this we have received a lot of help (both in the form of advice and cats) from Azanabengals (CAN) and Purebliss (GBR), and also from Eriador cats (GBR) and A1Savannahs (USA).

As the title page implies, we are working with two breeds: the Bengal and the Savannah. At present we are one of three Savannah breeders in Norway, while there are several Bengal breeders. We are not able to formulate grand opening statements, but will try our very best to produce fine cats in both breeds, and hopefully be able to document this at TICA shows. We have both brown-spotted Bengals and blue-eyed snows!

We love hybrids! Not because they are wild, which they are not, nor because they are huge, which they aren´t, but because they have personalities and charm and are different! The Bengal is your personal living-room leopard, the Savannah is your long-limbed cuddly friend with just a hint of the high-jump. They are, for better or worse, cats, and you just have to love them. And if you don´t like cats, work on it. Life´s not complete without them.

A big hug and thank you to Jacky Bliss at Pureblissbengals & -savannahs, to Martin and Kathryn at A1Savannahs, Sheila Love at Azanabengals and Rebecca Heslop at Zallycats for help with finding and breeding and getting hold of beautiful cats, as well as advice and help, and Anne Mette Larsen at Kelams for her wonderful cooperation on a breeding programme!


You're in Norway..? I was just there in July.. We visited, stopped in Kristiansand and ate bison burgers in this little town of Evy next to a military base... Water is crystal clear, moose droppings in the middle of the street.. sun never goes down.. Ate all the fresh fish until my stomach blew up.. Love it there


Staff member
It sounds like you've had a wonderful start to your program. Can you add your contact info or a link to your website?

Per Lausund

Staff member
It sounds like you've had a wonderful start to your program. Can you add your contact info or a link to your website?
We are still trying to get our website going, but the going is slow due to both of us being too busy to produce content. We have a rarely updated site on google (arcticsavannahs), but will improve at , just give us a month or two... finds us . Or !
Edit: and yes, thank you, we have had a wonderful start. Even a serval in the garden (for a few weeks).