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Does your cat yell at you?



I have one who talks constantly and is whiney when he wants attention. I have one who does yell -- when he wants to go for a walk, when he thinks it's dinner time (and it's only 10 a.m.:)), when we're out on a walk because he's happy, and for sure when I do something that either hurts his feelings or makes him mad. Then I have one who yodels. Must have some Swiss heritage in him.



Sirius is a huge Mommy boy.. He will yell for hours if I am outside and he can see me. My husband says he even does so after I go to work. Once I sit in "my spot" or put him on his lead outside with me (he also has his own chair to sit in) he is just fine. If I am gone for more than a work shift he will yell at me and hit me when I come home. It is a dominance thing but he does not have much to do with anyone else in the house. He Loves his Mommy. :)

I'm glad King isn't the only cat with his own chair... He even insisted on having one in his enclosure...;)


Maddox's Lina :)
I have a 10 month F5 boy and joined this forum JUST to ask if all the yelling he does is normal- now I know! Phew. Glad to hear there's nothing wrong with Maddox, he's just being a normal *coughbatshitcrazycough* savannah.

Personally I'm more than happy to chat with Maddox but lately the morning call been driving the SO up the wall...we even have a few pairs of earplugs by the bed and put them in when the cat siren starts to go off! ;)


Maddox's Lina :)
Yep! He came to us already neutered from the breeder (A1Savannahs in the States) in January. I've contacted them asking about the behaviour ---maybe they'll know something that many years of owning mixed cats hasn't taught me...


Staff member
I think you will find that Savannah howling and chattiness is not unusual...and in the spring and summer it seems to get worse. Taj has been howling for days...he wants to go out for a walk...and he can be relentless.

So perhaps your guy wants to go out...or he is seeking attention...or telling you to get up ;)


Maddox's Lina :)
I received a lovely e-mail from my breeder, A1Savannah's Katherin Stucki, last night about the meowing issue.. she gave a different perspective of the yowling and basically said that the main reason people feel that certain breeds (i.e. Savannah, siamese) tend to be more 'vocal' is that they're a bit more intelligent and catch on quickly that meowing (especially loud, incessant meowing!) gets them food and attention, opens doors, etc. In effect they're training us, not the other way around! :)

She suggested that the best thing to do is feign deafness- If he can't get what he wants with loud noise, he will find less disruptive ways to communicate!


Staff member
That is very true, Lina! Thanks for sharing ;) I do ignore Taj when he is yelling and eventually he stops...they definitely train us, unless we train them ;)