Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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WHY??? Are Savannahs so darned lovable.. IS it genetic?

John Campbell

Site Supporter
Staff member
I will be honest... I cry over the love I feel and see in Savannahs. And in the people. When someone loses a precious piece of them self, I cry right along with them . I just did watching Paige's video again. The little Angels touch my emotions more than and other entity has done. I try to keep my emotions in check... But not when a Savannah is involved. We have opened a door for some very ADVANCED Feline Spirits to incarnate by creating the breed. SAVANNAH. the name is so captivating...Exotic..... primal. and PURE.
OK... I have to go find Kilifi and kiss on her a bit. :) ( hope to do the same to Azidi some day. )

You are not alone... I shed many tears when one of these fur kids passes on.


Savannah Super Cat
I am at a loss to figure out WHY normal ( or almost normal ) adult people go so totally gaga over a little spotted furball. And then, to top it off, obsess on getting more and more of the little sweethearts. Do they have a mystical power to captivate us? Are they really inhabited by Spirits of E.T. kitties from the outer realms? Or is it just because they are so wonderfully CUTE!!!!
What do you think...???

That's an easy one to answer. It's because we are just people and they are gods. I'm pretty sure that's how THEY see it....