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Why Raw vs Cooked?


Staff member
So I should definately switch to raw dried then? then try moist food then actually go to raw.
I would not make so many diet changes if not necessary. Feed what the breeder is feeding, decide what diet you ultimatesly want to have him on, then start the transition process after he's been home for a few weeks. I would not plan any middle steps unless he rejects the final diet plan.

I think it was certain strains of worms is what I heard it helps with but if I went organic and grass fed to begin with I wouldn't see that being an issue.
If you are going to be feeding raw you should deworm prophylactically at least twice a year.


Savannah Super Cat
I talked to my friend the soon to be vet tech about deworming and there aren't any health issues with that she said. it's pretty safe right? I don't want to be trading one health caution for another. And that is a good idea. A lot of these health issues are a direct result of mass production, processing foods, and genetic modification. I'm still rather surprised at how many common issues are avoided sticking to the natural route. I mean celiacs disease, super bugs, auto immune deficiency.

"Those who wander aren't always lost"


Animal Communicator
Never heard of a problem deworming and this isn't as an instead, but diatomaceous earth helps with parasites :D


Savannah Super Cat
Never heard of it. Preventative care is always a must ill check it out.

"Those who wander aren't always lost"


Savannah Super Cat
I am very lucky as my vet is a strong advocate of raw. Her animals are raw fed and she recommends it. She has freeze dried in her office for those clients to squeamish to go whole hog, so to speak. My cats have shiny coats, bright eyes, Kovu has stinky poop, by Nyah doesn't. Kovu is a stinker, so that is probably why. :rolleyes:


Savannah Super Cat
The sulphur in meat is what makes it stinky so he must eat lotsa meat lol. My hedgehog used to have super stinky poos. The food I initially fed him had tons of chicken in it but had red meat too and that's what upped the stink. so I switched to a chicken only based food and it wasn't so bad. His cage was in my room and it would wake me out of a dead sleep lol. I was concerned with that with my kitten and the litterbox being in there for quarantine. but the enclosed litterbox will be in use in definatly lol. luckily by the time I attempt to change diets ill make sure the litterbox is in the basement far away from my bed lol

"Those who wander aren't always lost"