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11 Week Old F1 Diet



The cattery was feeding my boy about 1/4 can per day of Evo chicken/turkey wet twice a day, and leaving Royal Canin (not Babycat36, but Kitten34) kibble available to him all day. I suspect that he wasn't eating much kibble, if any, before I got him 12 days ago.

From the first day I got him, I started him with slightly less, at 1/5 can Evo chicken/turkey mixed with about 15 kibbles, twice a day. He ate all of this, so by the third day, I was at maybe 1/16th can Evo wet (for the smell only:)) mixed with a big handful of the Canin 34, twice a day, which he finished and licked the bowl dry. I still leave some Canin 34 in his bowl round the clock, which he nibbles on.

He weighs about 3 1/2 pounds. In any event, when I got him, his stool, was black and firm, but now it varies from 100% black and firm, to 1/2 dark and firm, 1/2 mushy (not diarrhea) and light colored.

He's not sick, far as I can see. He's energetic as ever, and drinking plenty of water, which makes sense since the kibble has almost no moisture content. My guess is that he can't metabolize all the nutrient he's getting now, and that he's passing some in undigested form. Thoughts???


Staff member
Why are you weaning him off wet in favor of dry? I advocate going the other direction -- weaning off dry onto wet. The stool change may be due to high carbohydrate content, low moisture content, and undigestible fillers used in kibble.


The difference in the color of the stool is due to the changes you have made to the diet. Did the breeder suggest changing the diet and pushing toward a kibble instead of wet food? I personally would not place a kitten or cat on a kibble as the main food source..regardless of how complete the company claims the food is. I am guessing their was a reason for the diet change? If not I am one that feels like ...IF IT ISN'T BROKE...I AM NOT GOING TO TRY TO FIX IT;>) Good intentions can reek havok on these young digestive tracts.


I also wonder why you wish to move to kibble in favor of canned, or even better, raw?

SV Dad

Savannah Super Cat
My cats didn't like the Evo from the cattery either. They like fancy feast grilled and the Royal Canin. I let them eat the dry if they want, and they snack occasionally. If they are energetic and drinking and eating something, they are most likely healthy.


ALL. Thank you for causing me to dig in and do some research. Now I understand why you favor canned over kibble. I always thought that it was the other way around: that wet was a waste of money and low in nutritive value because of all the moisture (about 80%) it contains. I also now realize that all of those undigestable carbs in the kibble is giving my good boy loose stools!

I was also following the breeder's recommendation of weaning him off the EVO wet (which he LOVES), to Royal Canin (which I thought was "top of the line") kitten 34% protein kibble (which he won't eat unless "scented" with the EVO). Why she recommended this? I don't know, as I would think she would recommend only the best for her cats. Possibly, she doesn't know, or disagrees. There seems to be two distinct factions at work: 1...........the old school which believes kibble is best, and 2..........the new school, which believes that wet food is best.

After you all chimed in with your warning on kibble, I took Louie to the Vet today for introduction/checkup/Feline Distemper shot #2. She strongly urged that I not feed Louie any kibble, if possible, which is directly in agreement with you-all.

After returning home from the vet, I did some online research and found that:
1. Kittens/cats NEED plenty of moisyture in their food to protect them from renal failure.
2. Very high quality canned food, like EVO, contains almost zero carbohydrates.
3. High protein, high fat, moisture laden diet emulates what cats eat in the wild.
4. Some other vitamins and minerals are added, as well as certain vegetables, in order to add supplements which cats take as a result of eating stomach contents of their "kill" as well as organ meat, etc.

I have decided that I will return my boy to mostly EVO or Innova canned (yes, I know that the EVO is entirely carb free and Innova contains "trace" amounts), with a very small amount of MOISTENED kibble mixed in. I have a 15 pound bag of Royal Canin kitten 34 for him to slowly consume.

What do you think of Nature's Variety Instinct Chicken Meal Formula, moistened with water, and mixed with Innova canned food as a steady diet? Another is Innove Evo Turkey and Chicken, moistened with water and mixed Innova canned. Both of these are very high quality kibble, with 50% protein and less than 8% carbs. They seem to be affordable as well, actually priced about the same, per pound as the Royal Canin.



In my HO ..Taste of The Wild is very good and for all ages. they also make the canned . Mine like the green bag...Venison and Salmon;>)


My Ho is...there is no perfect or near perfect kibble. Mine get raw , canned and a choice of three kibbles every day.