I am planning on breeding one of my f1's to a serval to make 75% f1 savannahs I was youtube seraching 75% f1's and noticed one guy had a lot of videos of them but in each one said they died before one year mostly of leukemia one got cancer from shots I believe . He said that all they died before one year old. He got a total 5 cats from 2 different breeders I know name of one them. But not sure if can mention it. I know a couple of others whos high percent f1 died ( one of leukemia and may have from one of the two breeders). I am going to be possibly mating one my f1's to serval in future But would like feedback from those who breed or own 60%+ savannahs. He said most of them died of leukemia So Should I give them the feline lekumia shot or not? His were never given the shot. Basically what i am wanting to know is are there any happy healthy 60%+ f1 savannahs out there and that I am breeding more the just unhealthy sick f1's that won't live. Any one who owns one of these cats or did is welcome to respond I would especially breeders. Let me know that there are happy healthy High Percent f1's out there.