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Agility tunnels?

OK, it's official - Xumi is too big for her kitty tunnels. We have three of the collapsible crinkly kind that she LOVES to run through. Like these, except the shorter version with only one peep hole:

Now she gets stuck in them :) They are only 9" diameter. She's 12" at the shoulder. I'm thinking about getting bigger ones, like they use for dog agility training. Do any of you use these? Do you have any you like or can recommend?

Pam Flachs

Savannah Super Cat
Why don't you try tunnels mad for kids? You can usually find them at Walmart or Walgreens for around $10. They are usually made of nylon, so don't last long, but the fun they have with them is worth it! (And they won't get stuck in them ;)
Why don't you try tunnels mad for kids? You can usually find them at Walmart or Walgreens for around $10. They are usually made of nylon, so don't last long, but the fun they have with them is worth it! (And they won't get stuck in them ;)

I've looked all over for the kids tunnels at Wamart and Walgreens. It must be a region specific thing. I'm in central Jersey and haven't seen hide nor hair of any of these tunnels (pardon the pun haha).

I've even scoured their respective websites. Still with no luck. I'm persistent though and I'll find them even I I have to go Elmer Fudd on them waskily tunnels!!!

Pam Flachs

Savannah Super Cat
I've looked all over for the kids tunnels at Wamart and Walgreens. It must be a region specific thing. I'm in central Jersey and haven't seen hide nor hair of any of these tunnels (pardon the pun haha).

I've even scoured their respective websites. Still with no luck. I'm persistent though and I'll find them even I I have to go Elmer Fudd on them waskily tunnels!!!

Have you tried Ebay?
Why don't you try tunnels mad for kids? You can usually find them at Walmart or Walgreens for around $10. They are usually made of nylon, so don't last long, but the fun they have with them is worth it! (And they won't get stuck in them ;)

Great idea! Amazon has several choices. Thanks!


IKEA has a great tunnel for kids for $14.99. It 'velcros' together at the ends to store under a bed. So far, it is indestructible and we love it. Do you know if you run at breakneck speed and slide into it sideways, you can scare everyone hiding inside it?
IKEA has a great tunnel for kids for $14.99. It 'velcros' together at the ends to store under a bed. So far, it is indestructible and we love it. Do you know if you run at breakneck speed and slide into it sideways, you can scare everyone hiding inside it?

I will check it out, the tunnel at IKEA that is ... I'll leave the sliding sideways to the boys ;)
IKEA has a great tunnel for kids for $14.99. It 'velcros' together at the ends to store under a bed. So far, it is indestructible and we love it. Do you know if you run at breakneck speed and slide into it sideways, you can scare everyone hiding inside it?
That looks nice! Unfortunately, they won't let me buy it off the website, I'd have to go to their store. The nearest one to me is about 70 miles away :(