Laura W
Savannah Super Cat
Echo decided it was time to join us for a few minutes tonight. He had jumped over the baby gate a few times for a few moments earlier in the day. Tonight, while we were watching t.v., he jumps the gate and walks to about a foot from me, sniffs towards us, looks around without a care in the world and heads to the formal dining room like it was completely normal thing to do. He has never approached us on his own.
He actually played with the wand toy today and Dolos, the Bengal, was in and out of his room most of the day day. Echo would hiss and Dolos would back off, but Echo didn't freak out like he usually does.
We have made more progress in the last few weeks than we have in 4 months.
He actually played with the wand toy today and Dolos, the Bengal, was in and out of his room most of the day day. Echo would hiss and Dolos would back off, but Echo didn't freak out like he usually does.
We have made more progress in the last few weeks than we have in 4 months.