Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Another Scammer Website


Staff member
Looks like this website is going to be shut down...I have been communicating with the domain name owner and had to show some kind of proof that the site was a scammer site...fingers crossed!


Staff member
You are right, kathy! problem is the hosting company and domain registrar is not US-based and in some obscure country I have never heard of :( The fact they even answered my complaint is a miracle...


Site Supporter
Its crazy. I had just been looking at the feline4us site and thought it was odd that they had so many Savannah's F2 - SBT's for 500. First link here says its a scam. People will scam on anything!


Staff member
Yes, Felines4Us is notorious for having scammer ads...just beware :(

I am working on the authentication seal...


Staff member
I emailed A1 about this site as well last week. I assume they are doing something as well?

IDK - there is not much they can do...we have no jurisdiction over the scammer sites in other countries...I am just trying to work it from my end, but it is very time-consuming.