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Baby gate ineffectiveness.

Pam Flachs

Savannah Super Cat
I got a pair of 36" baby gates to allow smells and looks to go around while I am unable to monitor the interaction between my Bengals and my new Savannah kitten.

Apparently it's not quite as bulletproof as I thought. Here's my male Bengal, six feet in the air, after having decided that he doesn't want to interact with the Savannah kitty any more.

Hmm....well, that's not gonna work! lol

How about trying a screen door? Home Depot has some wooden ones for around $20 in different would have to reinforce it with pet proof screen or plastic mesh fencing...easy enough to staple onto one side. You might not even have to remove the existing door.


Staff member
Hmm....well, that's not gonna work! lol

How about trying a screen door? Home Depot has some wooden ones for around $20 in different would have to reinforce it with pet proof screen or plastic mesh fencing...easy enough to staple onto one side. You might not even have to remove the existing door.

Great idea, Pam!


Savannah Super Cat
Mine ALL think baby gates are just a joke, they just see it as a place to have fun. Lol


and his servant, Paul
Haha, well this particular Bengal thinks they're loads of fun. He even climbed over the top (which is 5'4", not 6' - whoops) this morning to remind me that he was hungry.

Since I'm in a rental, I don't think it's a good idea to affix something like a screen door, but I had no idea that screen doors were so cheap! Lol, I spent more than that on each 32" gate. My parent's place desperately needs a new screen door; perhaps I should just get one for them the next time I visit.

As for the gates, I think the relations are at least good enough now that I only need to worry about the Bengals declaring eminent domain on my SV's food dish and litter box.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Maybe you can attach something to the top of that upper baby gate so the BG cannot jump up there and perch like that? I would have expected mine to do exactly what your kitty did...

I use baby gates here, but the clear plastic ones... and not to keep cats in or out. I used them on doors of rooms I might be keeping kittens in to SLOW their dash out the door when it is opened. That way I can just push them back as I am scaling the baby gate into the room. The clear plastic ones are harder for the babies to scale too...they just slip back down until they are old enough to jump straight to the top! is like the one I have, the one I have is permanently fixed but I couldn't find it on the internet...maybe they don't make it anymore...


Staff member
Ah yes, I remember back before I had my husband fully trained that he had the notion the cats shouldn't sleep with us:rolleyes: Knowing the outcome, I bought two baby gates and put them up on the bedroom door. First night, we're in bed less than 15 seconds when we hear scratching on the door and there was one of the cats wedged into the 1/2" space between the door and the gate. Training complete. Cats have slept with us ever since.