Trish Allearz
This is a story posted by one of my Savannah owners... This WASN'T my kitten she's talking about- but an F2 that she fell in love with 
"Kitty had a near death experience today! Hubby came home to a hysterical teenage daughter chasing Kitty down the hall, hell bent on cat murder. Tears streming down her face as she explained that Kitty had eaten holes in the new dress she got for her first formal dance tomorrow night!
After calling the store she got the dress from, Hubby tracked down ONE identical dress two hours away... Tomorrow, Hubby and Daughter will make the four hour round trip to get it and then get back for her dance tomorrow night.
So Kitty gets to live (unless he keels over from the daggers my daughter keeps glaring at him) and Hubby earned Daddy of the Year award!"
See? So when your cat shreds your toilet paper- it could always be worse!
"Kitty had a near death experience today! Hubby came home to a hysterical teenage daughter chasing Kitty down the hall, hell bent on cat murder. Tears streming down her face as she explained that Kitty had eaten holes in the new dress she got for her first formal dance tomorrow night!
After calling the store she got the dress from, Hubby tracked down ONE identical dress two hours away... Tomorrow, Hubby and Daughter will make the four hour round trip to get it and then get back for her dance tomorrow night.
So Kitty gets to live (unless he keels over from the daggers my daughter keeps glaring at him) and Hubby earned Daddy of the Year award!"
See? So when your cat shreds your toilet paper- it could always be worse!