Savannah Kitten
I have a 14 week old F1 Savannah. I've had him for 1 week so far. He's pretty good so far, but he gets extremely hyper and has trouble sitting still and falling asleep sometimes. Anyways, during these times he likes to bite and scratch. He'll bite my hands and feet especially, and when he's headbutting me he finds his way to my ears and likes to bite those as well. Yesterday he bit my cheek for the first time. Anytime I move my hands, he attacks them. And he hasn't learned how to keep his claws in around me. I'd just like to correct all this early on. For the biting, I've tried the firm "NO!". I've also tried hissing, variations of "OUCH!" and the finger in his mouth/throat thing. That worked for a while, but it seems all that goes out the window when he gets hyper. As for the scratching, I haven't tried much yet except the "NO!"
Help please!
Help please!