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Bleeding after neutering


Savannah Super Cat
Yesterday we took Spartacus to be neutered. When they called me at 12 to tell me they were done, they said he was quite difficult to deal with. It took over an hour and a half to get him out because we wouldn't let him get the injectable gas. They said normally they make owners wait until 3 to pick them up, but that Spartacus was throwing a fit in the carrier so I could come get him. I picked him up and yes, he was not happy. I noticed blood on the carrier and I just assumed it was normal. When we got home, I let him out of the carrier. I figured he would lay down, but he kind of walked around. I started noticing little puddles of blood. After it continued for about an hour, I called and was asked to bring him back in so they could look at it and put a collar on him. We went there and they said they glued it and they put the collar on him. Once again I took him home, but noticed he was still bleeding, but a little less than earlier. I called the vet back and he said lock him up so he will rest. I tried the carrier and our bathroom put he freaked out in both, so I just locked him in our room where he is used to sleeping. Yes, allowing him to get blood everywhere. My husband and I hung out in the room so he didn't feel stressed or lonely. He was still bleeding a little but was laying down. This morning, I didn't notice any new blood. My husband put him in his litter box to go potty (he can't figure the cone out yet), and then when he got out, and my husband put him back on the bed....there was blood. I called the vet again this morning and he asked how much...which at this point it is just like it a scab on your body comes off, you touch it with a paper towel and it is just a dab. Spartacus is that way, but every time he sits. The vet said to check his gums to see if they were still pink. I looked but his gums look light pink and black. Is this normal for a savannah? I am not sure. I looked at the incision and it isn't dripping out like it was yesterday, there is just a bright red line on one of the a scab was opened or something.

Can anyone tell me what Savannah's gums should look like and if anyone has experienced this?

He is eating and drinking which is great I understand. He is sleeping a lot which is good as well. I am just worried about how much blood he has lost and about the fact that he hasn't stopped bleeding...even if it is very little now. I definitely want to take him back to the doctor if I need to, but I don't want to unless it is necessary because it is so unbelievably stressful on him. The vet doesn't think I need to unless his gums are not the right color. He said if we can keep him calm and stationary it should clot.

Thanks everyone!!!


Staff member
If I were in the same room with your vet right now, I would give him/her a black eye. Unless you've memorized what Spartacus' gums looked like before the surgery (and come on, who does that) how would you know what is normal. I just looked at my 3 and if I didn't know better, I'd say they were all anemic because their gums are pale pink.

Call your vet and tell him you're not comfortable judging something you aren't familiar with and that you want Spartacus to be seen for your piece of mind.

Trish Allearz

If it is scabbing over, I wouldn't be overly worried, BUT... Keep an eye on him. It sounds like things are finally settling down and if you take him to the vet, it will rile him up and probably cause the bleeding to increase.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Their gums should look pink (well unless as you seem to be describing he has some black pigmented areas)... what your vet is saying is that if Spartacus loses enough blood to be "dangerous" his gums will be white from anemia... Now remember that blood always looks like more than it is. If you've ever cut your finger there's blood everywhere really fast. It seems that Spartacus is moving too much and that is opening up the incision. This might even be the type of situation that something like buprenorphine would have been a good idea... it's an opiate pain killer but makes them very dopey and drowsy so he might not be so crazy moving about. You might see another thread right now when someone is worried his recently neutered boy is forever docile because the buprenorphine has him so quiet! LOL!

I think he is likely fine. When your vet asked you to bring Spartacus back in (and they glued the incision) they got to check how bad the issue was... as when an owner says there is "blood" it is hard to gauge how bad the situation is. I think that now your vet is just advising keeping him quiet, what they saw on that return visit wasn't a dangerously large break in the incision. Take heart in that! I think it will heal with a little time, but obviously if there are more than just dabs of blood and it is dripping out like yesterday again then you might be concerned again. I think you have described it is improved today just keep an eye on it!


Savannah Super Cat
Thank you all very much!!!! I agree that I was frustrated with the vet just because I feel like they could have given him something to calm him down and allow him the normal recover time. He has been sleeping all day so I am hoping he is going to be ok. I haven't left his side so he is definitely being watched.


Chirps & Massive Headbutts
Had Shango neutered 3 days ago. He also was dripping some blood post neuter coming home (about 6-8 hrs post surgery). It subsided that day1, a few minor spots day2. He began to get better, but then on late day2 his surgery area began to get infected and developed a fever of 103.3F. He lost his appetite then big time, and was much more sedated. Long story short, since then 3 trips to the vets, several antibiotics and he's lost about 1 lb. Just keep an eye on the surgery area, possibly take his temp to ensure he's not getting a fever (maybe 101-102F and above). Also, if vet prescribed any morphine like pain reliever, recommended ditching it. Shango took some vitamin B12 for appetite and he ate like a cow 10 min ago! dj

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
I don't agree, I think one dose of the pain reliever would be a good idea, as it does keep them a bit quieter initially. the issue with your Shango is that you were giving that pain reliever more than that one dose...and it does keep them doped up so they don't eat. There's a balance issue here, a little is good and a lot is bad.


Chirps & Massive Headbutts
You're probably right. I guess if I had to look back, maybe 1x or another pain reliever day1 post surgery. But my vet had it all the way into day3. I ditched it at day2 after watching him stay very sedated (and developing a fever from the infection).

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Yes, I think one or two doses to keep kitten calm and dopey for the one day post-surgery in most cases is a good idea, allows the incision to heal a little. But then yours was complicated by some infection which is pretty rare in neuter surgeries. I've had that happen with a spay once and that was scary as you freak if you think that incision is going to burst open! I just think in your (Shango's) case, there was too many doses of buprenorphine given. There's a happy balance there...


Savannah Super Cat
Had Shango neutered 3 days ago. He also was dripping some blood post neuter coming home (about 6-8 hrs post surgery). It subsided that day1, a few minor spots day2. He began to get better, but then on late day2 his surgery area began to get infected and developed a fever of 103.3F. He lost his appetite then big time, and was much more sedated. Long story short, since then 3 trips to the vets, several antibiotics and he's lost about 1 lb. Just keep an eye on the surgery area, possibly take his temp to ensure he's not getting a fever (maybe 101-102F and above). Also, if vet prescribed any morphine like pain reliever, recommended ditching it. Shango took some vitamin B12 for appetite and he ate like a cow 10 min ago! dj

We weren't given any pain meds. I am so nervous now. How do I check his temperature? Also, is shivering normal? He is shivering quite a bit, but again, still eating and drinking. How do I know if it is infected? Sadly, I have never experienced any of this, so I guess I am clueless and I would rather ask Savannah parents over normal cat parents...although I know ppl say Savannahs should be treated like normal cats.