I don't know if it can help, I had a timid girl, she was afraid of humans, specially the hands, but she loved the other cats. I could play with her for long times (since beginning), and she came out of her shell after some time (2 months). She was 4,5 months when she arrived and now she is very cuddly, loves to sleep with me and is not afraid of hands anymore.
She is still shy with strangers, but her curiosity and instinct to play bring her out very easily. She is very quiet cat, not super demanding, but is the first one to play with me. She comes when I call her, purrs lightly when SHE decides she wants to be pet (she is my Diva

Maybe her case was very mild, but I never had a shy cat and I was afraid of the bound between us. I was happy and surprised she came around pretty quick, it is very stressless at my home, I think it helps. I have no boyfriend to fight with

, it's very positive environment with an active and respectfull young child.
There is hope I think, and maybe sooner than you might think, it's still a baby. But, I think it will probably won't be the more interactive cat of the pack, might never stay on your laps.