How Do I Choose the Right Savannah Breeder?
It's hard to decide where you might want to get your kitten. There are many breeders with kittens available, which makes it important to consider many factors. A kitten (cat) should live 15-20-odd years, so your new family member should be a well thought-out decision. The breeder is part of that decision. The breeder you choose to purchase a kitten from should be someone you trust and whose opinion you value. Contact a few breeders and ask questions. Ask about their breeding program, the potential parents of your kitten, what the parents' personalities are like. Ask about previous kittens and what they are like now they are grown. Ask for referrals.
If problems arise once you have the kitten you still want your breeder to be available to help answer questions and share the experience of your Savannah. Ask about the breeds behind that kitten, and for a copy of its pedigree. Discuss what breeds went into making that particular kitten and what attributes those breeds may contribute to its health, looks and personality. As the Savannah breed is still in development, there are many influences to consider.
Why is There Such Variation in the Prices Asked for Kittens of the Same Generation?
Some kittens conform more closely to the breed standard, they are more sought-after and the price reflects this.
If the breeding stock was selected as the absolute best then that breeder probably paid "top dollar" for their cats and might expect the same for the kittens produced.
Sometimes there is an element of "you get what you pay for." A kitten that is not as typey might be priced lower than its littermate that is amazing looking. Remember that this does not mean the personality of the kitten is different or lesser-quality, and if you are looking for a pet then the blackest of black spots might not be as important as an outgoing friendly disposition.
Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean that a kitten that is priced high is necessarily the "best" kitten available, just that the breeder is asking a premium price. Buyer beware – do your research and ask enough questions to know that the price is fair for that particular kitten.
Why is My Breeder Asking Me So Many Personal Questions?
Due to the overwhelming popularity of this breed and the limited number of kittens produced annually, it is very important to note that, in general, Savannah breeders consider their kittens very precious, and many have adopted a screening process to qualify prospective buyers. As it is part of the breeder's responsibility to assure that the kitten you select is well matched to you and your living situation, please do not feel offended if at some part in your search, one or more breeders request a wealth of personal information from you.
While not all breeders will require this, you should be prepared to submit a written description to your breeder detailing your lifestyle and type of home you can provide, including information regarding your family, age of children, age and type of existing pets, space available for play, time spent away from the home working, etc. You should also provide your veterinarian's information and include a telephone number where he or she can be reached for additional comment and a personal reference.
How Do I Select the Kitten with the Most Servally Looks When They All Look Cute as Babies?
This is a HARD question, and there are no easy answers! Many times breeders have sold a kitten they thought was "pet quality" only to see it grow up into a stunning cat and wished they had kept it.
There are some indications that a kitten will be better than another, but kittens grow and change so much in the first weeks that it really is difficult to make that assessment when they are so young. It is easiest when there has been a previous litter from the same parents. Then you can possibly see pictures of how they turned out as older kittens or adults and compare that to baby pictures of the current litter to get an idea of how the kittens that are offered now might turn out.
Also, if you can see baby pictures of one or both parents and compare those to current pictures of them now, then you might get some clues as to how the their kittens will turn out as well.
I Want a Golden Kitten, Will the Kitten be Gold?
This is also very hard to predict. Often kittens are born brown and as they develop golden highlights appear. Some kittens seem extremely golden as babies yet may end up more brown or ‘cool’ toned. A bold spotting pattern looks dramatic, no matter what the ground color.
Are Savannahs Legal in Every State? Will I Need a Permit to Own a Savannah?
States, counties, and cities differ in their laws and regulations. There ARE some states where Savannahs are illegal, and other states where only certain generations are allowed. You MUST check your state, county, and city laws before you purchase your Savannah kitten. Remember that even if your State allows hybrids your local laws may have more stringent rules that will override State regulations – Hybrid Law is a good place to start your investigation.
It's hard to decide where you might want to get your kitten. There are many breeders with kittens available, which makes it important to consider many factors. A kitten (cat) should live 15-20-odd years, so your new family member should be a well thought-out decision. The breeder is part of that decision. The breeder you choose to purchase a kitten from should be someone you trust and whose opinion you value. Contact a few breeders and ask questions. Ask about their breeding program, the potential parents of your kitten, what the parents' personalities are like. Ask about previous kittens and what they are like now they are grown. Ask for referrals.
If problems arise once you have the kitten you still want your breeder to be available to help answer questions and share the experience of your Savannah. Ask about the breeds behind that kitten, and for a copy of its pedigree. Discuss what breeds went into making that particular kitten and what attributes those breeds may contribute to its health, looks and personality. As the Savannah breed is still in development, there are many influences to consider.
Why is There Such Variation in the Prices Asked for Kittens of the Same Generation?
Some kittens conform more closely to the breed standard, they are more sought-after and the price reflects this.
If the breeding stock was selected as the absolute best then that breeder probably paid "top dollar" for their cats and might expect the same for the kittens produced.
Sometimes there is an element of "you get what you pay for." A kitten that is not as typey might be priced lower than its littermate that is amazing looking. Remember that this does not mean the personality of the kitten is different or lesser-quality, and if you are looking for a pet then the blackest of black spots might not be as important as an outgoing friendly disposition.
Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean that a kitten that is priced high is necessarily the "best" kitten available, just that the breeder is asking a premium price. Buyer beware – do your research and ask enough questions to know that the price is fair for that particular kitten.
Why is My Breeder Asking Me So Many Personal Questions?
Due to the overwhelming popularity of this breed and the limited number of kittens produced annually, it is very important to note that, in general, Savannah breeders consider their kittens very precious, and many have adopted a screening process to qualify prospective buyers. As it is part of the breeder's responsibility to assure that the kitten you select is well matched to you and your living situation, please do not feel offended if at some part in your search, one or more breeders request a wealth of personal information from you.
While not all breeders will require this, you should be prepared to submit a written description to your breeder detailing your lifestyle and type of home you can provide, including information regarding your family, age of children, age and type of existing pets, space available for play, time spent away from the home working, etc. You should also provide your veterinarian's information and include a telephone number where he or she can be reached for additional comment and a personal reference.
How Do I Select the Kitten with the Most Servally Looks When They All Look Cute as Babies?
This is a HARD question, and there are no easy answers! Many times breeders have sold a kitten they thought was "pet quality" only to see it grow up into a stunning cat and wished they had kept it.
There are some indications that a kitten will be better than another, but kittens grow and change so much in the first weeks that it really is difficult to make that assessment when they are so young. It is easiest when there has been a previous litter from the same parents. Then you can possibly see pictures of how they turned out as older kittens or adults and compare that to baby pictures of the current litter to get an idea of how the kittens that are offered now might turn out.
Also, if you can see baby pictures of one or both parents and compare those to current pictures of them now, then you might get some clues as to how the their kittens will turn out as well.
I Want a Golden Kitten, Will the Kitten be Gold?
This is also very hard to predict. Often kittens are born brown and as they develop golden highlights appear. Some kittens seem extremely golden as babies yet may end up more brown or ‘cool’ toned. A bold spotting pattern looks dramatic, no matter what the ground color.
Are Savannahs Legal in Every State? Will I Need a Permit to Own a Savannah?
States, counties, and cities differ in their laws and regulations. There ARE some states where Savannahs are illegal, and other states where only certain generations are allowed. You MUST check your state, county, and city laws before you purchase your Savannah kitten. Remember that even if your State allows hybrids your local laws may have more stringent rules that will override State regulations – Hybrid Law is a good place to start your investigation.