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buying mice for cat



You really wanna torture fancy mice? :( You'll end up with mouse blood and guts all over the place.

James Singleton

Savannah Child
You really wanna torture fancy mice? :( You'll end up with mouse blood and guts all over the place.
ya mice are nice creatures...but what about snakes? I'm about to get a cat that I will keep in the house and I kind of feel bad that it won't get to hunt for reals. Snakes are evil creatures, maybe I'll give it snakes in the garage.


Savannah Super Cat
ya mice are nice creatures...but what about snakes? I'm about to get a cat that I will keep in the house and I kind of feel bad that it won't get to hunt for reals. Snakes are evil creatures, maybe I'll give it snakes in the garage.
Oh no..not snakes from the garage!:eek::sick:


ya mice are nice creatures...but what about snakes? I'm about to get a cat that I will keep in the house and I kind of feel bad that it won't get to hunt for reals. Snakes are evil creatures, maybe I'll give it snakes in the garage.

The reason I decided not to try goldfish (and instead got plastic battery operated goldfish) is that you end up with goldfish guts all over the place.

Cats love to play with (torture) their prey...and a cat that is otherwise well fed will have no need to eat a mouse, any more than it will eat a goldfish. I've seen it firsthand when my boys have gotten little fieldmice in the backyard. Their death is, um, difficult and painful :( And their bodies just sit there unless I throw them away before they decay.


Snakes are evil creatures, maybe I'll give it snakes in the garage.

While I understand not everyone likes snakes and won't hold it against those who don't. They are not evil creatures. Misunderstood by many but they do have their purposes. My husband and I own snakes, and even raise African Soft Furred Rats to feed the snakes. We never let the cats play with the rats. The snakes we feed live prey to strike, coil, and kill the rats quickly then eat them. They don't play with them.

You can use toys to mimic hunting and play for your cats without the use of live animals. I know some who do feed whole prey to their cats, but I do believe those animals are already dead.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Yes, for humane reasons, those that feed whole prey to their cats feed them already dead. As mentioned cats to play/torture their prey and it just isn't something most wish to be a party to.

Pam Flachs

Savannah Super Cat
Agree with everyone on NOT getting live mice for cats to play with. What if it escaped and hid in your house...say the air ducts...injured, suffering and dying...have you ever smelled THAT odor? Ewww! And I've heard of some mice bought from pet stores having fleas and mites....your cats will never know what they are missing playing with stuffed toy mice; try a battery operated one!

On another note, I used to own a snake (love them!), a 5 foot red-tail boa. She was a rescue, given to me when her owner went to jail one night and she was left in his house for a week alone. I kept her for a few months before finding her another home better suited to care for her. It was amazing the number of people previously afraid of snakes who met her, petted her smooth warm skin and even held her...changing their minds about snakes being cold and slimy :)


Staff member
ya mice are nice creatures...but what about snakes? I'm about to get a cat that I will keep in the house and I kind of feel bad that it won't get to hunt for reals. Snakes are evil creatures, maybe I'll give it snakes in the garage.

April, I love snakes and had both snakes and lizard as a child.

I see NO reason to give live snakes or mice or anything else to savannah kittens or cats...if you want to give them a taste of outside, walk them on a leash..they will pounce on all kinds of bugs, chase birds if they see them and sniff the air...

I feed whole prey - from Rodent Pro...