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Bye bye veggie patch


Staff member
I was conservative this year -- zucchini, heirloom tomatoes, eggplant, lemon cucumbers, carrots & beets. I love experimenting with growing herbs and using them in cooking, to brew drinks, in bathwater & soap and went overboard on them this year.


Staff member
I was conservative this year -- zucchini, heirloom tomatoes, eggplant, lemon cucumbers, carrots & beets. I love experimenting with growing herbs and using them in cooking, to brew drinks, in bathwater & soap and went overboard on them this year.

That sounds fantastic though! I would love a garden when I get my house...


Staff member
I have a 4' x 4' planter box and it's amazing how much I can grow in it. Over the winter, I cover it with plastic and toss in all the kitchen waste so it composts and in spring I have nice rich soil. We've been talking about redoing the backyard and incorporating veggie planters into the landscape. If that ever happens, I know I'll go overboard with the planting and get overwhelmed. My intentions always exceed my success but I lose all sense of reason when I'm at the nursery and even end up buying stuff we don't like to eat just because I think it's fun to raise or pretty to look ato_O


Staff member
Maybe I could grow some veggies in the enclosure ;) I used to plant lettuce, tomatoes and onions on my deck, but it has been taken over by a kitty play house ;)