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Cat rolls around in litter box


Savannah Super Cat
Our F4 always rolls around in the litter, whenever we are done scooping the box out or after cleaning it out and putting new litter in. She does this with all the kinds of litter we have tried. Does anybody else's cat do this? Any suggestions how to get her to stop?

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Some cats (of all breeds) do that, I think it is something like the appeal of a dirt bath, rolling around in dirt lets them clean their coat much like using dry shampoo works I think. I don't have any cats here that do it though, so don't have any ideas to help you on getting her to stop.

Are all the types of litter you've tried been the clumping types? Does she do it with pellet type of litters too?


Savannah Super Cat
Some cats (of all breeds) do that, I think it is something like the appeal of a dirt bath, rolling around in dirt lets them clean their coat much like using dry shampoo works I think. I don't have any cats here that do it though, so don't have any ideas to help you on getting her to stop.

Are all the types of litter you've tried been the clumping types? Does she do it with pellet type of litters too?
That's something I haven't tried - next time I change it out, I will try the pellet kind and see what happens.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
You may find the cat won't use the pellet litter at all though! Not all cats appreciate the texture of pelleted litter, so I would not change it completely at once unless you are willing to deal with litterbox avoidance next! When transitioning to another litter, you should make the change gradual... has instructions on this...


Savannah Super Cat
Or just add another box with the pellets and keep the one you have the same.