Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Check the parts!

Laura W

Savannah Super Cat
Took Dolos in to be neutered today. Couldn't do it with out "those" parts. Spaying was a success! Yep, turns out I have a girl kitty. Good thing I just took the kitty I feel in love with and never had plans to breed. Wad wondering why I didn't see any changes, just figured they weren't dropping yet and never looked that close. :roflmao:


Savannah Super Cat
LOL My mom volunteers with a few others at a local high kill gassing facility.They take pictures of the dogs & cats and put them on FB & try their best to network them & find them homes. There have been quite a few times that a "he" was a "she" or vice versa. lol

Laura W

Savannah Super Cat
Not quite as noticeable as with a dog! Having a hard time calling him a her. Doesn't feel right after 8 weeks of playing and falling in love with my baby boy. But, now the boys don't out number the girls in the house. lol


Savannah Super Cat
That's' almost as bad as when I took CJ in to be fixed. We had gotten him as an 11 week old kitten from a shelter and was told that when he was older, we were to take him back for the surgery, it was part of his adoption fee. We made the appointment a few months later, they gave him the drugs to put him out for surgery then came and told us he had already been fixed and to take the sleeping kitty home, no surgery needed. Sue

Laura W

Savannah Super Cat
That's' almost as bad as when I took CJ in to be fixed. We had gotten him as an 11 week old kitten from a shelter and was told that when he was older, we were to take him back for the surgery, it was part of his adoption fee. We made the appointment a few months later, they gave him the drugs to put him out for surgery then came and told us he had already been fixed and to take the sleeping kitty home, no surgery needed. Sue
We had a feral female cat that we helped capture from a friends garage and took in to be spayed. Same thing, they opened her up and discovered she was already spayed. She turned out to be the best cat. Offered to still pay for his time, he refused.

Pam Flachs

Savannah Super Cat
I'd laugh...but I just had my first "oops" moment. One of my F5 kittens I was sure was a really a girl :) I blame it on my 11 year old granddaughter not sexing the kittens for me this time....she's never been wrong yet!

Sure wish that sex change fairy had visited my avatar kitten :) No mistaking he is all boy!


That is too funny! Are you considering a name change now that the gender is different? Or is Dolos set in already?