Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Cinny runs


Staff member
So Cinny loves running on the cat wheel and thinks every time I go near it, it is her cue to jump on and run...she doesn't care whether Zuri is running or Ixas is running...if I even look in the direction of the cat wheel, she coms running from wherever she is and hops on...what's up with that?



Savannah Super Cat
adorable! Shelby loves his wheel too! But he keeps doing the stand up and spin it with his front legs thing. I'm pretty sure he's practicing to try to get on the Showcase Showdown on The Price Is Right :lol:


Staff member
It's attention-getting behavior.

yep, jacqui...problem is I need to break her of it because I cannot go near the cat wheel now...and Zuri does not like being thrown off...I have to figure out what to is my fault...I wanted to get her running on the hweel and would praise her and cheer her on and now it is backfiring :(