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Cleaning Products


Savannah Super Cat
I am so glad this forum is here. I am quite worried about the cleaning products that I normally use. Lysol bowl cleaner for the toliet bowel, Pine Sol diluted to clean the kitchen and bathroom floors, shower wash for glass, ect. I know that if the toliet is left up by said men in the house she will go play in it and I also worry about kitty walking across the floor after I clean it then licking her paws. I have pretty much switched to water with SUPER diluted product, only and check the bathroom toliet all the time for closure! This is not really keeping the floors as clean as I would like...any suggestions on kitty safe products please?


Staff member
Thanks - we're glad you're here. I use all of the organic type products for cleaning, but I'm sure others will have an opinion. we are also going to have a forum specifically on this topic. I will be adding it this weekend.


Savannah Super Cat
I am so glad this forum is here. I am quite worried about the cleaning products that I normally use. Lysol bowl cleaner for the toliet bowel, Pine Sol diluted to clean the kitchen and bathroom floors, shower wash for glass, ect. I know that if the toliet is left up by said men in the house she will go play in it and I also worry about kitty walking across the floor after I clean it then licking her paws. I have pretty much switched to water with SUPER diluted product, only and check the bathroom toliet all the time for closure! This is not really keeping the floors as clean as I would like...any suggestions on kitty safe products please?

I use a steamer on my floors. Gets them very clean, and no chemicals.

Pam Flachs

Savannah Super Cat
I use white vinegar in water to clean most things, including the toilet. I also use Fabuloso cleaner very diluted to wash my cleans well, and leaves a nice fresh smell and is a product I believe is safer to use around pets and children than most. I keep a few squirt bottles of both the vinegar and Fabuloso mixed with water for spot cleaning in the kitchen and bath.


Savannah Super Cat
I use the vinegar too or a couple drops of dish soap in a spray bottle. Hubby uses Method in our bathroom. What I need to know is what can I use on wood furniture, cabinets, to polish/condition them. We have lots of wood in our house and I've not treated any of it in so many years for fear of putting something on it that would hurt the cats. Any ideas anyone???


Staff member
I use white vinegar in water to clean most things, including the toilet. I also use Fabuloso cleaner very diluted to wash my cleans well, and leaves a nice fresh smell and is a product I believe is safer to use around pets and children than most. I keep a few squirt bottles of both the vinegar and Fabuloso mixed with water for spot cleaning in the kitchen and bath.

Great suggestions, Pam...god for the Savannah-Proof forum too :)


Staff member
I use the vinegar too or a couple drops of dish soap in a spray bottle. Hubby uses Method in our bathroom. What I need to know is what can I use on wood furniture, cabinets, to polish/condition them. We have lots of wood in our house and I've not treated any of it in so many years for fear of putting something on it that would hurt the cats. Any ideas anyone???

Arline, I don't have much wood, so can't help you there..I'm sure someone else will be able to answer.

Pam Flachs

Savannah Super Cat
I think Method makes some wood furniture cleaner, and Mrs. Meyer brand, and both are more environmently friendly than others.....and Method products smell so good! I do have their wood floor cleaner, although I mainly use the Fabulos/water mix on my wood floors.


Savannah Super Cat
I think Method makes some wood furniture cleaner, and Mrs. Meyer brand, and both are more environmently friendly than others.....and Method products smell so good! I do have their wood floor cleaner, although I mainly use the Fabulos/water mix on my wood floors.

I'll have to look for that in our stores Pamster! Thanks for the suggestion. You can see that the wood furniture we have is starting to look like it's drying out. It really needs some conditioning.