Do you have a favorite recipe you use John?
We started with the Dr Pierson raw diet recipe and have modified things as we have moved along. Trying to find a balance of who eats what and what they don't like has led to some modification. I was also using whole chickens at first which is definitely more time consuming, but came to learn that using thighs are a better option with a higher meat to bone ratio and higher amounts of taurine in the dark meat.
None of our cats like Turkey, some have an aversion to fish oil and some don't like the raw egg yolks. Easy enough to find alternatives, such as I now used cooked salmon as opposed to fish oil and have reduced the amount of egg yolks we use. There was also a balance of chicken hearts, a good source of taurine, they would tolerate and I found I couldn't straight up eliminate adding taurine. We also tried to use some of the pre-packaged supplements and they were a total non mover for us. Others seem to use them with great success.
We try to change just one thing at a time so we don't have the art of dealing with interrelated variables to deal with that can quickly become more art than science. Learned that lesson with a load of turkey I made and three cats that looked at me as if to say "Really" when i set their food in front of them. Could hardly dilute it enough for them to eat it and fortunately my sisters chow hounds didn't mind it at all.
So in all it's a process and perhaps your cats will prove to be easier to deal with than ours. I think there are lots of tales of what peoples cats will and won't eat, and not much different than dealing with an 8 year old kid. Personally, I think they just want to keep you on your toes and always present new obstacles for you.