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Animal Communicator
Does anyone know what the protocol is on prebirth deposits? I have my deposit down on a kitten, but was unable to pick one out immediately due to a breeder getting first choice.
My kitten is 8 1/2 weeks old, but I still haven't heard anything. I am getting anxious as I am trying to prepare and was hoping to visit the kittens before pick up, but find it pointless if I don't know which one is mine. Does anyone know how long these things usually take?


Staff member
Does anyone know what the protocol is on prebirth deposits? I have my deposit down on a kitten, but was unable to pick one out immediately due to a breeder getting first choice.
My kitten is 8 1/2 weeks old, but I still haven't heard anything. I am getting anxious as I am trying to prepare and was hoping to visit the kittens before pick up, but find it pointless if I don't know which one is mine. Does anyone know how long these things usually take?

Many of us do not take prebirth deposits...have you asked the breeder how long it will take?


Animal Communicator
I did, they said 6-8 weeks. I emailed asking about deposits 2 weeks ago but never heard back. I know they are expecting 2 more litters this month and are super busy, but I am so anxious to know...really there is only a little over 3 weeks left :)


Staff member
Well, I'm not sure how to answer, since I will not take prebirth deposits and I don't know anyone who does...hang tight and I'm sure someone will have a better answer...but really it all depends on the breeder...was there any contract which specifies the terms of the prebirth deposit?


Animal Communicator
I haven't signed any contract, and they haven't mentioned if there was one. They said the prebirth deposit was transferable to different litters. I think a deposit on a certain kitten is more, but I'm not really sure. I am sure I am just overexcited and they will let me know when things die down a bit. Thanks for your help :)


Since the breeder is the only one that can answer...I would try calling. Keep in mind that some people will go on vacations and this can make getting back with you immediately impossible. I would try calling and leaving a message. Have you seen pictures of the little ones? I would also keep in mind that the weather has caused power outages in different area and some people have been without power for some weeks. As far as a contract...most breeders require they be signed prior to taking deposits. I personally do not take deposits on babies that have not been born. Good luck;>)

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
I don't take prebirth deposits either... I've become so superstitious about my litters I don't want to jinx them! LOL! I do always have first choice so that part of it is not that bizarre to me, there's no reason for me to produce a litter if I don't have the option to keep a kitten I really like from it...

But one thing I am always telling buyers, do NOT send any money without signing a contract! This contract should define the terms on when you would learn of your ability to choose and when you would know which was your kitten... I hope you hear from the breeder soon. As Shelby says, they could be on vacation or be ill or any number of reasons why they haven't responded yet. And try calling as well as emailing :)