Not sure where to start, my F3 is about 2.5 yrs old, purchased from a breeder in IL and has had tummy issues since I picked her up. Breeder was polite, said no other cats or the one other kitten from the litter had any issues . After many vet visits, stool tests, meds (metronidazol, pancur) and food trials for her "drippy" bottom, I switched her to Natural Balance Green Pea and Duck at about 6months and suddenly things were firm for about two years. She recently started having little box issues and accidents, now diarrhea. She was previously tested for Giardia, and TriTrich and recently had another PCR done. Nothing helpful --results did test positive for Clostridium and Corona virus but vet said not that uncommon and not causing the issues. Tried hypoallergenic food and prednisone = instant explosive liquid diarrhea. Tired slippery elm, probiotics & fiber (psyllium) on the GP&D, worked temporarily. The diarrhea is now getting worse and she is losing weight, trying to feed her whatever she will eat, including boiled chicken breast which she used to crazy for. The vet again said to try the prednisone, won't eat her GP&D food now, she found and tore apart the hypoallergenic food bag two days ago so figured at least if she's eating we'll have to make do. She's wobbly on her feet and I'm at a loss for what to do. Yesterday won't eat anything on her own, will eat the boiled chicken if hand fed. She's an indoor cat, no other cats or pets in the home. We had a visitor dog for a few days over Christmas but their interaction and contact was very little.
Desperate for suggestions. Going back to vet again this afternoon. What can they test for? Blood tests? Xrays? Ultrasound? Could it be IBS or IBD? Maybe TriTrich? Do I get Ronidazole and try it? We tried raw ground turkey when she had her kitten issues and no luck with that. I simply don't know what to do for her. I'm in SoCal and saw a post here about a Dr Reese towards San Diego, would be almost 100 miles one way for me but would go if a second opinion is my best bet.
Desperate for suggestions. Going back to vet again this afternoon. What can they test for? Blood tests? Xrays? Ultrasound? Could it be IBS or IBD? Maybe TriTrich? Do I get Ronidazole and try it? We tried raw ground turkey when she had her kitten issues and no luck with that. I simply don't know what to do for her. I'm in SoCal and saw a post here about a Dr Reese towards San Diego, would be almost 100 miles one way for me but would go if a second opinion is my best bet.