Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Do you take your SV into an office/workplace with you?

Do you take your SV into an office/workplace with you?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 40.9%
  • No

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Would if I could

    Votes: 8 36.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Staff member
This poll was requested by one of our members...please vote and then feel free to have fun with this post, including adding photos...


Loyal Servant
Today was my first day with her at the workplace. She has received a few visitors who are amazed at how outgoing and friendly she is. It will be a treat to have her come in and keep up outside exposure.


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Savannah Super Cat
Cool Sunny! I take mine to work every day since I work out of my home...:-D


Site Supporter
This poll was requested by one of our members...please vote and then feel free to have fun with this post, including adding photos...
I work at McCarren Airport in Las Vegas, plan on making sure they are exposed to loud noises(to a degree)so they won't be too skedish. Then once they are leash trained I will bring them to work. Up in the terminal and down to the Tarmac where the planes and my co-workers are. They think I'm crazy to get these cats, they think that they are going to eat me and my fiancé)) they're really just busting my chops) But, they do think I'm crazy. Need to show them how AWSOME they really are. Love to prove them wrong!


Savannah Super Cat
I brought Sofia in once at the end of the day, and once everybody got over a "cat on a leash/harness" they couldn't believe how calm and interested in everything she was! Of all people, she jumped up onto the desk of our office's "cat hater" and now when he talks about his dislike for cats, he makes sure to exclude Sofia from his statements.


Savannah Super Cat
I on occasion bring Shelby to work with me. Will Farrell is a client of mine, here's Shelby at Will's house overlooking the Pond and being quite interested in those giant fishies!


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Jason E

Savannah Super Cat
I on occasion bring Shelby to work with me. Will Farrell is a client of mine, here's Shelby at Will's house overlooking the Pond and being quite interested in those giant fishies!

Just a casual name drop...great pic :). Id be scared if I were one of those fish.


I work from home for part of my week, so the cats are sort of co-workers of mine, part time anyways ;) I have never brought any of the cats to office though, too many people, I am sure they would get spooked...