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Eye trouble Advice needed


Savannah Super Cat
Malia our 8 1/2 month old F3 girl arrived to us in nov 2012 traumatized and sick. We don't know what other animals were on the plane with her but it must have been bad! She had a very bad cold and weepy eyes. She had to do a lot of clavamox to get rid of the cold (it took forever). Her right eye was the worst and she had pink eye (We think) and then an ulcer. We have been putting 2 drops twice a day of Gentamicin in each eye since we got her. With a week break in between because it shows improvement but comes back. It never goes away!!!!!! We have done Lycine (misspelled) and nothing. It is puss in the right eye and leakage in the left with some sneezing. Poor baby is looking like a pirate!

She is our problem child and we accept this. We love her so much and just want her to be healthy!

Our Dr. wants to try an anti-viral drop but before she does she is doing more research and has asked me to ask our breeder (done. waiting for reply) and to ask all of you if you have ever seen this before. We don't think it is herpes either. Any and all insight is welcome......

PS our newest baby Rose is healthy and is not catching Malia's eye ailment.


Loyal Servant
Anubis was on Clavamox and Lysene for two weeks for feline laryngitis. I think these are more general antibiotics aimed at respiratory issues. Have they taken a culture sample of any kind if that applies? Does your vet have full on site lab capabilities? I would expect them to be more bullish on figuring it out but checking in here never hurts.

I have determined that Isis is more sensitive to dust than my adult males and her runny nose cleared up her first week home before any antibiotics or supplements so I didn't get beyond the just a cold stage. What if it is an allergy and not a virus or disease?

One thought, what if she has a reaction or sickness to a vaccination? Did she get her boosters and get sick from this weakening her system before travel?

I noticed small changes in Isis before and after vaccinations and arriving home dealing with her sinuses and energy level (short lived though).


Savannah Super Cat
Perhaps it is an allergy? When I first got Kovu he had some weepy eye problems.. turned out it was just an allergy to clay litter.
I hope it clears up, whatever it is.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
If a cat arrived sick, it likely didn't catch it on the plane... it may have broken with the illness on the plane but was infected before. Even going to the vet to get the health certificate can expose a kitten to germs after all.

As Sunny suggested, some testing likely is in order. A Respiratory Panel PCR test (Idexx Laboratories) will detect the main pathogens. With her eye being so badly affected, if I were you I'd seek out a vet ophthalmologist...


Savannah Super Cat
Anubis was on Clavamox and Lysene for two weeks for feline laryngitis. I think these are more general antibiotics aimed at respiratory issues. Have they taken a culture sample of any kind if that applies? Does your vet have full on site lab capabilities? I would expect them to be more bullish on figuring it out but checking in here never hurts.

I have determined that Isis is more sensitive to dust than my adult males and her runny nose cleared up her first week home before any antibiotics or supplements so I didn't get beyond the just a cold stage. What if it is an allergy and not a virus or disease?

One thought, what if she has a reaction or sickness to a vaccination? Did she get her boosters and get sick from this weakening her system before travel?

I noticed small changes in Isis before and after vaccinations and arriving home dealing with her sinuses and energy level (short lived though).
I have suggested allergies to the vet and the routine questions were asked. We use the same litter and food the breeder uses (feline pine). I think she is sensitive to dust lol so I bought the Neato vacuum robot (very nice by the way)

They are limited to on site lab services and send out for most.

She has never had a reaction to her vaccines with us but is a good question for the breeder.


Savannah Super Cat
If a cat arrived sick, it likely didn't catch it on the plane... it may have broken with the illness on the plane but was infected before. Even going to the vet to get the health certificate can expose a kitten to germs after all.

As Sunny suggested, some testing likely is in order. A Respiratory Panel PCR test (Idexx Laboratories) will detect the main pathogens. With her eye being so badly affected, if I were you I'd seek out a vet ophthalmologist...
Thank you, thank you, I am on it! I am determined to get to the root of this. she has suffered long enough.


Staff member
It sounds like feline herpes but I agree with Brigitte, an upper respiratory PCR panel is in order to help you pinpoint the problem.


Savannah Super Cat
UPDATE! Well Malia still has a mystery going on and we are still trying to figure out what it is! We have tried so, so many different medicines. Her PCR panel is all negative, her eye ick tests negitive, all tests NEGITIVE! gggrrrrr her blood test shows a slightly elevated white cell count.

We are going to try Azithromycin, this is a antibiotic, but it also helps reduce the bio-film that bacteria make to help protect the organism.

We have not ruled out a possible nasal polyp but this would not be affecting her eye and yes she could have more then one thing going on. photo (112).JPG She still has a runny nose with lots of sneezing. Our windows have so much Malia snot spray on them. Any and all suggestions are always appreciated.......

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