Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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F3 kitten


Site Supporter
Our F3 kitten, Jarvis, turns six months old today. He is 9.8lbs. This seems huge to me, but my kitty experience is pretty limited.
Our F5 boy, D, was 7 lbs at six months old; at 13 months, he is now a long and lean 14.7 lbs.
I know there is a lot of variation in Savannah size; any idea how large we should expect Jarvis to get?


Savannah Super Cat
Nope. You can't tell how big a kitten will get. If he has large bones and paws, sometimes that is a good indicator. Also they tend to get larger if raised on a balanced raw diet. Just my experience.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
I agree with Jacqui, that a balance raw diet maximizes their growth but there is just no way to tell how large they will get. Some definitely surprise us!

Remember that the Serval matures late so will continue to grow well past a year of age but the domestic cat tends to do most its growing in that first with Savannahs we can't predict which way they will go, some will do most their growing in the first year, some grow significantly in their second and third years.