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Fancy Feast, Main ingredient? Crack?


Savannah Super Cat
Well... I fed our previous kitty Fancy Feast for 13 years, she never touched anything else.. Our Kitten has been picky about can food, so far liver and chicken (dark meat) is liked by her but she wont touch dry food nor Nature's Variety Can food what so ever but she is gobbling up the Fancy Feast and at this point her eating is better than not. What is it about Fancy Feast that makes them go nuts for it?


Savannah Super Cat
Tink and the other 2 at my house devour the Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys. I have tried other brands and they usually taste it and walk away. I will say that the Fancy Feast even looks good and looks appetizing.


Savannah Super Cat
I have no idea. When we were fostering Sarabi she got very sick from an infection due to her spay incision not being properly taken care of before we got her. She was so sick & lethargic & wouldn't eat for me. I bought some Fancy Feast just out of curiosity & she gobbled it up. It smelled SOOO bad tho. :/ Kovu would go nuts trying to get it too.


Savannah Super Cat
I am hearing that its not very healthy food over all, for now it will have to do :)


Savannah Super Cat
I am hearing that its not very healthy food over all, for now it will have to do :)
It isn't. At all. Which is why I wouldn't let Kovu touch it, and only fed it to Sarabi because I was seriously afraid she'd die if she didn't eat anything. Over $200 in ER bills later, she FINALLY recovered.

SV Dad

Savannah Super Cat
That Fancy Feast seems to be doing fine by my cats. Two are overly healthy, and the boys consistently tear the house apart. All are very healthy.


Savannah Super Cat
That's good to hear RD, I am just going to mix up the food with fancy feast in the morning and raw and semi cooked meats for afternoon and dinner. Our cat lived 13 years on FF, she was a Norwegian breed that had a life expectancy of 10 years.

SV Dad

Savannah Super Cat
That's good to hear RD, I am just going to mix up the food with fancy feast in the morning and raw and semi cooked meats for afternoon and dinner. Our cat lived 13 years on FF, she was a Norwegian breed that had a life expectancy of 10 years.
I've had cats live 18 years or so with the latter years on fancy feast. If they eat without getting finicky, I'm not going to fight it. They are tough enough to satisfy as it is.