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Fighting siblings ...


Savannah Super Cat
Hi all we are looking for advice on how to stop Loki and Freyja fighting They are now about 6 months old and f6sbts .
Loki is quite a bit bigger than his sister and seems to get the better of her in fights.
is it ok to use the water sprayer ? what do you guys think ? It's the only think apart from splitting them up that seems to work ... we both work and they are left for around 8 hours a day ( this is why we had two to keep each other company )
The fights can be quite rough is this normal for savannahs ? just a bit concerned as Freyja sometimes cries out as if she is being hurt ... any thing we can try ?
ps we have tried the firm no and they just look at us as if to say and ? ... they have loads of toys and we play with them before and after work.


Loyal Servant
It really comes down to the body language to help you and us determine if it's rough play or fighting. Take a quick video and upload it?

If ears are both completely back, paws are curved with claws out, and they are making swatting gestures or in a complete stand-off making swatty gestures, that's fighting.

Rough play usually involves a lot more wrestling, pouncing, chasing, and can include verbalization. You can have a small tuft of fur on the carpet here or there as evidence of rough play, and that's OK.

No wounds = not serious.

Edit: Rough play and make-up time grooming and sleeping together are just cats being cats. Cats that prefer to be separated and don't have rough play but only fighting are not getting along well.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
As Sunny says, it might be rough play (and Savannah kittens can definitely play exuberantly!) or it might be fighting...for dominance etc.

Are both Loki and Freyja altered already?

I think you need to try to judge how "fair" the wrestling is... if Loki is on top, when they break apart does Freyja try to run or does she leap back into the fray? It definitely is a kitty tactic to flip onto the back... when the other one comes over them they push up at their exposed throat.


Play fighting is one way they learn to control that play biting . When one cries this is telling the other one they are playing too rough. Just watch and see if Loki calms down or continues to play too rough. If this is the case you may have to intervene and give them something else to get his mind off Freyja for a bit. Hopefully she will teach him to be nicer;>)


Savannah Super Cat
thanks guys ill try and get some video posted later, they do groom each other and sleep together, I haven't spotted any serious wounds but Freyja has been scratched a couple of times ( no worse than I have ) she does however seem to tease Loki by wagging her tail at him so it could well be play fighting its just he is bigger and seems to get the upper hand all the time.

Trish Allearz

thanks guys ill try and get some video posted later, they do groom each other and sleep together, I haven't spotted any serious wounds but Freyja has been scratched a couple of times ( no worse than I have ) she does however seem to tease Loki by wagging her tail at him so it could well be play fighting its just he is bigger and seems to get the upper hand all the time.
I think the big question is- and Brigitte hit on it- does she jump back into the fight if you split them up?

Because if she does- well, let cats be cats! It means she's enjoying the wrestling as much as he is!


Savannah Super Cat
Well if she does run off Freyja will tend to stand her ground and if I split them up and put Loki in the safe kitten room for a ten min time out he cries and she will often sit on the opposite side of the door waiting for him to be let out again. I was going to post some video of them fighting tonight but here is a pic of them at the moment.
:) cats eh ? ... only ever do their own thing :)


;>) Sounds like sibling rivalry to me;>) Human children fight, scratch and do cats;>) I think baby boy just wants to throw his weight around sometimes. Once they are spayed and neuterd you may see a difference;>) It may be that he is feeling a little macho and she is not impressed...AT ALL;>)


Loyal Servant
Sounds all normal cat play. Expect this to continue for years! Even as adults some mellow out but for exotic cats with lots of energy, down time is lethargic playing and less actual napping involved!