We decided not to waste anymore time, even if the weather hasn't been cooperating, in trying to get our F4 14 wk girl, Anaya used to the leash/harness. So today, for a quick 15 mins, on a balmy 38 degree, in January we did it! She didn't seem to mind the ice or snow much at all. She has had the harness on inside before, and was only mildly annoyed with the leash. Mostly she seemed very intrigued by the sounds of the many birds that were, suddenly, also very active. I believe they were pretty noisy seagulls and she was really listening. She was happy to stay outside for a few mins ... even sat on the ice! When we came back in I snuggled her between my husband and I and she took a great nap. After... guess where I caught her? Moving the curtain and trying to look out the front door!!! What a riot she is!!!