Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

Welcome to the Savannah Cat Chat Forum! Our forum has been in existence since 2012 and is the only one of its kind. We were here, serving the savannah cat community before Facebook and Instagram! Register for a free account today to become a member! Please use an email program other than Hotmail, since Hotmail accounts are blacklisted by many servers and ISP's. Once signed in, you'll be able to participate on this site in some of the forums by adding your own topics and posts. But in order to take advantage of the full features, such as a private inbox as well as connect with other members ad access some of the larger topics, a donation of $2.99/mo or $25/yr is requested. This will allow us to continue running this forum!



Staff member
Ok...I FINALLy bought a Foodsaver...i waited until the automatic version came out and it is one of the best appliances I own! I use it for freezing raw and whole prey!!!


Savannah Super Cat
Ok...I FINALLy bought a Foodsaver...i waited until the automatic version came out and it is one of the best appliances I own! I use it for freezing raw and whole prey!!!
How many pounds do you grind at one time?

John Popp

Site Supporter
We had bought a commercial Weston vacuum sealer a number of years ago and although it works great, it's size limits how often we use it. Never thought of using it for the cat's food and it would be great to have things in individual portions as opposed to thawing out a day and a half worth of food at a crack.

Thanks for getting the gears spinning Paige!


Staff member
John, I have been looking at them for years, but didn't like the vacuum hoses...when they came out with the automatic, is when I went for I am sorry I did not do it sooner...I put the little quail in, the raw and voila! Individual portions that won't have frostbite :roflmao: