Welcome to Savannah Cat Chat!
We have a few simple rules that keep our site safe and a great place to chat and find information, however you need to know what they are!
By registering you agree to the following:
1. You will not post material that is in violation of any international law. This includes material that could be considered obscene, defamatory, libellous, invasive, threatening, hateful or vulgar.
2. The content of your posts are your own. In the event that you write something that is later subject to a legal complaint, Savannah Cat Chat cannot be held responsible.
Forum Etiquette
Online forums are a great way of networking with other like-minded people. However the written word can be difficult to interpret with no expressions or tone of voice to convey their meaning. This is why we use 'emoticons' or 'smilies'. Smilies are a great way to let people know how you are feeling and can avoid misunderstandings.
Please respect the rights of others to their opinions. If the opinions are harmful or libelous to someone's reputation, please report the post to the administrator or moderator.
Please be sure to sign your posts so we know who we are talking to
Any problems with either the site, or the members of the site, should be reported to the administrator or moderator(s) of the forum.
We have a few simple rules that keep our site safe and a great place to chat and find information, however you need to know what they are!
By registering you agree to the following:
1. You will not post material that is in violation of any international law. This includes material that could be considered obscene, defamatory, libellous, invasive, threatening, hateful or vulgar.
2. The content of your posts are your own. In the event that you write something that is later subject to a legal complaint, Savannah Cat Chat cannot be held responsible.
Forum Etiquette
Online forums are a great way of networking with other like-minded people. However the written word can be difficult to interpret with no expressions or tone of voice to convey their meaning. This is why we use 'emoticons' or 'smilies'. Smilies are a great way to let people know how you are feeling and can avoid misunderstandings.
Please respect the rights of others to their opinions. If the opinions are harmful or libelous to someone's reputation, please report the post to the administrator or moderator.
Please be sure to sign your posts so we know who we are talking to
Any problems with either the site, or the members of the site, should be reported to the administrator or moderator(s) of the forum.