We use pretty much the same process as in the video, freezer bags and portioned out so they won't be unthawed for more than 48 hours. We do take a little greater care in making sure the freezer bags don't contain any air, and a little less care on how much they actually weigh. Our 3 cats are good for a pound and a half of food per day which is what we get into each freezer bag. A quick test a while back suggested that we were ±2 ozs.
Never a worry as to how long it's in the freezer, as we go through it fairly quickly and I wouldn't have any issues feeding them something that had been frozen for 6 months.
Additionally, we do not not add water to our raw food recipe, choosing instead to add warm water at serving time. This helps as cats would prefer their meals at body or at least room temperature and one cat in particular wouldn't touch their food until it's been in their dish for 15-30 minutes. We just add in 3 and a half tablespoons of warm water to their 8ozs of their food per feeding, quickly stir it up and divide out their portions. So far it has worked well and the cats aren't doing the shuffle to see if any of them have something better in their dish.
Lastly, with the plastic freezer bags that have been thawed in the refrigerator, we squeeze the food through the partially opened zip lock on the bag. A quick close and brief rinse to the bag corner while keeping air from entering the bag. This helps limit oxidation of the meat and keep the color a brighter red. Probably doesn't make that much difference, but keeps the food looking very much as it did when it first went into the freezer.
I hope that helps!