Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

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Gone 10 days and ........


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I just got home after 10 days away. Mom watches my children (cats)
Bella let me know that she missed me and
Mokkun and Tetsu also let Daddy know that he is
loved and was missed.
Bella gave me the head butting and some licking
and after she was sure I was home she went off to
do her own thing. Right now she is watching me at the
computer. Both the boys are also in the room sitting on the floor.
The first thing Mokkun did was Demand his chicken jerky treat
and Tetsu not to be out done also asked for some too. He does know how to ask.
So I gave all three some treats.

Sean :)


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I am!
My sister has two cats very nice, but they are not my cats.
It's good to be home.

Sean :)


Staff member
Sounds like you had an awesome homecoming, Sean! I'm sure your babies are all happy to have you home - I know I miss mine terribly, even if only for a day...


Oh sounds like they are glad to see you :) I am fortunate to have my boyfriend housesit and watch Keljin and Winry for me. I will be gone for 6 days out of state next week, and I am soooo excited and looking forward to my homecoming of headbutts and purring and kisses.. he does this daily when I come from from a day of work, so I cannot imagine how intense he may amplify for 6 days worth of missing me!


Aww.. I just came back from 6 days away, and I got no special greeting :( even less of a greeting than usual actually. I think Keljin was too distracted by sniffing/inspecting the unusual luggage instead of noticing my presence. My boyfriend said that the first 2-3 days he was crying out looking for me around the house all the time.. so I think he missed me! poor baby. I hope to get lots of snuggles tonight!


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I just got home from being away for 7 days and Tojo wants nothing to do with me :(
I'm hoping by tomorrow he'll forgive me ...