Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

Welcome to the Savannah Cat Chat Forum! Our forum has been in existence since 2012 and is the only one of its kind. We were here, serving the savannah cat community before Facebook and Instagram! Register for a free account today to become a member! Please use an email program other than Hotmail, since Hotmail accounts are blacklisted by many servers and ISP's. Once signed in, you'll be able to participate on this site in some of the forums by adding your own topics and posts. But in order to take advantage of the full features, such as a private inbox as well as connect with other members ad access some of the larger topics, a donation of $2.99/mo or $25/yr is requested. This will allow us to continue running this forum!

Happiness is...


Staff member
UNTIL they wake up and bounce all over you!

hahaha...I was just going to post about that 4am, they decide it is play time and I am their toy!!! They pounce on me, crawl under the covers, play with my hair, make believe I am another kitten and try to bite me, which I do not allow, so I have to reprimand them and then start fighting among themselves...this goes on for about an hour and then they go back to sleep...but...I still would not trade it for the world! :)


Staff member
Waking up with 3 spotted butts, under the covers, snuggled next to you. Now that the mornings are cooler, I'm the one getting them out of bed for breakfast. However, they didn't come to bed until 4 a.m. and then they had to plow their way under the covers and walk all over me with their cold feet.

Pam Flachs

Savannah Super Cat
hahaha...I was just going to post about that 4am, they decide it is play time and I am their toy!!! They pounce on me, crawl under the covers, play with my hair, make believe I am another kitten and try to bite me, which I do not allow, so I have to reprimand them and then start fighting among themselves...this goes on for about an hour and then they go back to sleep...but...I still would not trade it for the world! :)

That is SO familiar! I love it, too!


Aniyah's mommy
...the sweet little "wake up routine" Aniyah has. Rumbling purrs, laying across my neck , head butting me over and over and over again, licking my nose....Nothing beats it, no matter how tired I may be!!!:in love: