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Has anyone used this?


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We have a yard that cannot be fenced in. I saw this on a web site and wonder if anyone has used it? I had one that we used for a dog and it work well. Our lot is a little over an acre. We are thinking about building an outdoor enclosure for the cats, but I already know that they will not like to be in it when we are out in the yard as well. Lots of loud complaints when we go out without them. Right now we put them on their leads when we go out and hook them up to various things. Are soon as we move out of range from them the complaints begin. And can they complain loud!

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Interesting that it is specifically for cats as I have never heard of this invisible fence system working for a cat. What I had heard is that when zapped by that collar a cat will take off in flight so is more likely to run out of bounds than be contained by this system. Probably similar to my beagle...he once spent a little vacation with a friend that had this system for her dog so she got an extra collar for him and tried to introduce him to the system...utter failure!

Maybe you can do a bit of internet research and find reviews and firsthand accounts of it working though...


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That's why I posted the question. It calls it's warning a "safe static correction" that is not adjustable. I'm assuming it's like the scat mats, but don't know. I know with the dog one it could give a huge electric shock that was adjustable. It only works if you take the time to train the dog to it. For my dog it was a one month training period with flags and daily training.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
It also depends on how an animal reacts to the "correction"...some really do freak out when in pain, like my beagle. He's a complete wimp and even clipping his nails has him shaking and whimpering because once he got a bloody claw. He shakes and trembles just catching sight of the acupuncturist vet at the door because once a needle hit a nerve. It doesn't work for all dogs for this reason.... but am interested to learn if it works for all cats, especially cats with finer fur and possibly more sensitive. I imagine my blubber-fluff kitty (British shorthair) would have more protection against the shock of the collar than one of the Savannahs...

Laura W

Savannah Super Cat
Looked at those also. Then I realized, even if the cat stays in your yard, what's going to keep harmful critters like coyotes and other dogs out?

Part of the reason we decided that we just have to do a completely enclosed are. Still working on this one! :)


and his servant, Paul
1. Cat gets running start
2. Shock collar kicks in
3. Cat is well beyond the barrier by the time it can panic
4. Cat is now forbidden from entering your yard.

Maybe in a simpler cat, this system might work, but Savannahs have this certain mindset whenever something is not right. I would not trust my Nitro to respond to the system the way the manufacturer intended.

Laura W

Savannah Super Cat
Paul, That was the other thing I thought of. The whole system just doesn't seem safe. Still think the only 100 % proof is a proper enclosed area. This is why there are days I'm cleaning up doggie business. Those would be the days I couldn't bribe Echo and Dolos to go to their room. Chicken helps! ;)


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This would not be something where the kitties would be outside unattended. They aren't happy outside unless we are where they can get to us. I'm looking for something that I can let them in the yard while we are there. Currently they get their walking jackets and a 16 foot retachable lead that is put on a tie out. If either I or my husband isn't within reach they cry. Also spend a lot of time untangling the leads. An enclosure won't allow them to be within reach when we're outside as well.