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He saw himself in the mirror and went nutzo!


The Kasbah

Just curious to know if anyone else has experienced this one. It is sure a first for me!!!

This past weekend I sold THE SWEETEST F2B boy to the most lovely couple. Local pick up, they drove off with him and headed for home (about an hours drive from us). Kitten did well during transport, very loving, talkative, etc.

The owners placed him in quarantine (hurray...they actually did as I instructed) in a very large master bathroom upon arrival home and all was well UNTIL their new baby jumped up on the counter and took a look at himself in the which point, he apparently went psycho, all fur standing on end, hissing, growling, swatting AT HIMSELF (his own reflection in the glass). I mean SUPER ANGRY! The owners called me utterly stunned (as was I) and ended up rectifying the situation by covering the large mirror with a large bed sheet...which very obviously is a temporary solution.

Has any one else ever experienced such a thing? In 10 years of Breeding, this is a first for me...

I'm thinking let him settle in for a few days and then uncover the mirror and let him "have it out" with himself once and for all... I am wondering what others here think. Opinions please?

All best,
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Green eyed kitty

Mystique the dog/cat;Seraphimah spunky kitty
Yes when Mystique first came home, she freaked out at herself in the mirror. Other then that, she adapted well. Today she can walk past a mirror and not attack it, when she sees her image.

Mystique discovers mirror copyright 1.jpg

The Kasbah

This is so very funny to me!! In all these years none of the cats have reacted this way (to my knowledge) until now. No one has ever mentioned it previously and I have personally not witnessed it myself either.

My clients wrote again today to say that little boy tugged the sheet off of the mirror sometime during the night and this morning, he is still fascinated by the mirror, but with the sole purpose of posing to admire himself from various directions!

So, it appears in less than 24 hours, he has gone from aggressive toward his own reflection to total and complete adoration of his bad self. I'm just giggling...


with the sole purpose of posing to admire himself from various directions!

So, it appears in less than 24 hours, he has gone from aggressive toward his own reflection to total and complete adoration of his bad self. I'm just giggling...

I have mirrors all over my house from when I used to teach dance. Duma does this too, he'll stand up and admire himself in the mirror. The first time he saw himself in the mirror he was frightened with a puffy tail, but then he kissed his image and he's been in love ever since.


Staff member
This is so funny...Ixas looked at himself yesterday in the mirror and FREAKED!!! Fur standing up, tail whipping back and forth and just plain scared of himself!!!


Savannah Super Cat
Nimbus likes to sit in front of mirrors and admire himself. He knows how hot he is...:-D


Loyal Servant
The very first time Ra saw himself in the mirror at 6mo of age, apparently the first time for him, he immediately went sideways, puffed, arched, let out a bark/spit which made him bounce back a few steps and then he shook his head and realized it was himself.

You always remember your first! :lol:

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
I've had kittens that did freak out a little when they first saw a mirror but not to that extent... I'd guess it was being confined in a small strange space and seeing the mirrored image that caused the extreme reaction...glad to read he's already come around to the mirror though :)


Savannah Super Cat
Nyah launched herself at a mirror I have hanging in our landing. Scared me! I was afraid she hurt herself, but it happened so fast I couldn't stop her. She never did it again!