Brandy DW
Missing Neka, Loving Sabriel, Nakaia, & Trance
~~Background Information first~~
-Okay so I've had Sabriel since October 16th, 2012.
-She's a sbt savannah.
-She was born in late may or early june of 2012.
-She was bread at A1Savannahs.
-She's an only pet (no other animals at all in the house).
-I'm the only person in the house too.
-She has a cat safe room for when I can't supervise her. (In the room is 2 cat tree's, 2 cat beds, a crate with blanket and small hammock in it, litter box, food/water bowl, turbo chaser toy, several soft/plush like toys. Also a window that she has a good view from to look outside.)
-She eats blue buffalo dry food (1/2 a cup a day).
-I had one savannah before this - also a sbt savannah from A1Savannahs but she died when she was 1 and a half from lymphoma, I got a replacement cat from A1Savannahs...
~I made a thread about Sabriel before, about a week after I first got her, mostly about her play biting and her not letting me hold her.
~Well here are my issues now:
1. She does still play bite sometimes but usually not hard.
2. She won't let me trim her claws, but her claws have gotten ultra long sometimes and she at least doesn't claw me.
3. When I take her to the vet, and the vet tries to open her mouth to check her teeth and stuff she really tries to bite him. (not sure if there is a way to fix that..)
--Within the past week, she'll take her poo out of the litter box and then bat it around her cat safe room (which has vinyl flooring at least), I just don't know why she's doing it. The poo is already hard so I'll pick it up with toilet paper and throw it away. Last night I finally had the time to get an enzyme cleaner and go over her cat safe room with it. Hopefully now she'll quit getting poo out of her litter box.
---This past week when playing with her, I sat on/in one of her large cat beds, which I btw have NEVER seen her actually use, more of just move it around. She didn't like it that I was in ~her~ bed and at first started attacking the bed, and then half attacked my foot. I of course stood up and at first she was still attached to my ankle like she was trying to attack me but she wasn't actually biting me. I was saying "ouch" loudly and "no" loudly and finally got her to let go after 3 tries. After that I closed the door and left her alone for a bit. I went down later that night and played with her and thing seemed fine. ~~~ Then a day or two later she wrapped her paws around my sock like she was going to attack it, and I said no and she backed off right away. ~~ She hasn't done it again since but I'm kind of afraid she will. I don't want her to turn to really biting me or hurting me...
---When I first got her in october about a week or two after I got her I had started getting irritated skin, and everyone in my family had kept saying I was likely allergic to her. So from October to December (when the skin irritation stopped for some reason, still don't know what brought it on or made it stop) I didn't play with her really up close all the time. I usually tried to use pole toys or through toys for her. I'd pick her up some but usually she wouldn't like it and I was also afraid of more skin irritation. Since the irritation has gone away I've been trying to be more affectionate but she seemingly will have none of it. She also doesn't like when I put her back in her room so when I'm done with the toys she'll run away from me. I'm afraid I really screwed up with her socialization because to this day I still can't get her to sit in my lap at all, she'll always want to run off...
--- But when I first greet her each time she'll rub between/around my legs. She'll also let me pick her up and hold her for a bit without squirming to get down right away but it's not long, long period's of time. When playing with toys she'll let me be around her easily and will let me pet her, and she'll roll on her side to play with stuff and show her belly sometimes.
---Toys I use:
-Several pole toys, including da bird.
-Toys that have catnip in them that I can throw for her.
-Crinkle type toys.
-she has her turbo toy to swat a ball around in her room all the time.
-Balls, some with bells and some without.
-I've noticed she reacts a lot better and is less skittish sometimes when I sit on the floor. Which is good for the throwing toys but horrible for the pole toys. I always try to make it so that she ends up right in front of me with them so I can pet her and such. But whenever I try to put her in my lap she'll have none of it - am I doomed to never have her sit in my lap at all? During the time when my skin was irritated did I mess up by not being more affectionate with her and make it so that she's not as social as she should be? But even then she wasn't a lap cat. I'm not looking for a lap cat but I would like her to sit in my lap for short periods so I can pet her then... Maybe if I keep at it she'll let me eventually, I mean she's gotten better at being held but I had to try that everyday (as in pick her up for a bit and then let her down soon after she started struggling, then repeat - she's gotten a lot better about being held).
Overall my three issues are:
1. The poo, hoping that's over with now but if it's not I'll try something different.
2. The potential for her play attacking me - or really attacking me at some point and how I prevent that... So far all I really do is distract her with a toy after saying "no" in a loud voice because it's what I've read elsewhere.
3. Wondering if I socialized her wrong or not enough and how to fix it and if it did do it wrong if it still can be fixed.
Also I work 8 hours a day. Everyday before work I play with her for about 20 minutes and feed her. Then after work I play with her for about 20 minutes and feed her. Then at night before bed I usually try to play with her for a hour but if it's been a long day I may only do it for 30 minutes. Should I try to get more time in? Between work, sleeping, cleaning, playing with her, and trying to have a bit of a normal life too. I'm wondering if I should get more play time in with her or if it's enough.
---On a big plus side today when I brought her to the vet - in the car ride (which in the past she would cry the whole time she was in the car) I was able to say in a soothing voice "it's okay sabriel" or "it's okay" and she would be quiet for a few minutes. Or I'd say "it's okay" and put my hand back by her kennel and she'd be good for a while too. To me that was encouraging that she seemed to feel safer with my voice or by smelling my hand. Then at the vet she was good with me and with them trimming her claws, it wasn't until the vet tried to open her mouth to check her teeth that she almost bit him hard. Then after that he just lifted the corners of her mouth and she seemed fine. When we got home she seemed okay too and I gave her a treat for being good and hopefully to encourage her to like her kennel (potentially). I keep her kennel/crate in her room all the time so that she's not afraid of it when i have to use it, so she's at least easy to get in there...
Sorry for the long story/ramble. Any responses would be great and thank you.
P.S. Do you think those "calming" treats at petco would actually work? They're all natural so they at least shouldn't harm a cat... I gave one to Sabriel last night to seem if she would be less skittish. She was less skittish and still had her usual energy so I think they should be fine... But would like to know what other savannah owner's think. Because a savannah cat and a domestic cat are very, very different...
P.S.S. I love Sabriel, I really do. I love her personality and I wouldn't change her for the world...
P.S.S.S. With my first savannah I actually ~meowed~ at her and she seemed to get me more and respond to the meows and would meow back. I've done this with Sabriel since I got her, and she's never meowed back which is fine, but I'm wondering if maybe she doesn't get or doesn't like it because she doesn't seem to respond to it.. she just looks at me like I'm crazy.. ( I meowed with my old domestic cat too and he liked it and would respond.) So is it a personality thing or is she potentially seeing me as another cat threat/alpha or what.. I'm trying to figure out if I should just stop... But maybe she does like it and just doesn't meow back, but associates me with the meowing... and blah. My brain is going round and round with this so I'm just going to post and get input.
-Okay so I've had Sabriel since October 16th, 2012.
-She's a sbt savannah.
-She was born in late may or early june of 2012.
-She was bread at A1Savannahs.
-She's an only pet (no other animals at all in the house).
-I'm the only person in the house too.
-She has a cat safe room for when I can't supervise her. (In the room is 2 cat tree's, 2 cat beds, a crate with blanket and small hammock in it, litter box, food/water bowl, turbo chaser toy, several soft/plush like toys. Also a window that she has a good view from to look outside.)
-She eats blue buffalo dry food (1/2 a cup a day).
-I had one savannah before this - also a sbt savannah from A1Savannahs but she died when she was 1 and a half from lymphoma, I got a replacement cat from A1Savannahs...
~I made a thread about Sabriel before, about a week after I first got her, mostly about her play biting and her not letting me hold her.
~Well here are my issues now:
1. She does still play bite sometimes but usually not hard.
2. She won't let me trim her claws, but her claws have gotten ultra long sometimes and she at least doesn't claw me.
3. When I take her to the vet, and the vet tries to open her mouth to check her teeth and stuff she really tries to bite him. (not sure if there is a way to fix that..)
--Within the past week, she'll take her poo out of the litter box and then bat it around her cat safe room (which has vinyl flooring at least), I just don't know why she's doing it. The poo is already hard so I'll pick it up with toilet paper and throw it away. Last night I finally had the time to get an enzyme cleaner and go over her cat safe room with it. Hopefully now she'll quit getting poo out of her litter box.
---This past week when playing with her, I sat on/in one of her large cat beds, which I btw have NEVER seen her actually use, more of just move it around. She didn't like it that I was in ~her~ bed and at first started attacking the bed, and then half attacked my foot. I of course stood up and at first she was still attached to my ankle like she was trying to attack me but she wasn't actually biting me. I was saying "ouch" loudly and "no" loudly and finally got her to let go after 3 tries. After that I closed the door and left her alone for a bit. I went down later that night and played with her and thing seemed fine. ~~~ Then a day or two later she wrapped her paws around my sock like she was going to attack it, and I said no and she backed off right away. ~~ She hasn't done it again since but I'm kind of afraid she will. I don't want her to turn to really biting me or hurting me...
---When I first got her in october about a week or two after I got her I had started getting irritated skin, and everyone in my family had kept saying I was likely allergic to her. So from October to December (when the skin irritation stopped for some reason, still don't know what brought it on or made it stop) I didn't play with her really up close all the time. I usually tried to use pole toys or through toys for her. I'd pick her up some but usually she wouldn't like it and I was also afraid of more skin irritation. Since the irritation has gone away I've been trying to be more affectionate but she seemingly will have none of it. She also doesn't like when I put her back in her room so when I'm done with the toys she'll run away from me. I'm afraid I really screwed up with her socialization because to this day I still can't get her to sit in my lap at all, she'll always want to run off...
--- But when I first greet her each time she'll rub between/around my legs. She'll also let me pick her up and hold her for a bit without squirming to get down right away but it's not long, long period's of time. When playing with toys she'll let me be around her easily and will let me pet her, and she'll roll on her side to play with stuff and show her belly sometimes.
---Toys I use:
-Several pole toys, including da bird.
-Toys that have catnip in them that I can throw for her.
-Crinkle type toys.
-she has her turbo toy to swat a ball around in her room all the time.
-Balls, some with bells and some without.
-I've noticed she reacts a lot better and is less skittish sometimes when I sit on the floor. Which is good for the throwing toys but horrible for the pole toys. I always try to make it so that she ends up right in front of me with them so I can pet her and such. But whenever I try to put her in my lap she'll have none of it - am I doomed to never have her sit in my lap at all? During the time when my skin was irritated did I mess up by not being more affectionate with her and make it so that she's not as social as she should be? But even then she wasn't a lap cat. I'm not looking for a lap cat but I would like her to sit in my lap for short periods so I can pet her then... Maybe if I keep at it she'll let me eventually, I mean she's gotten better at being held but I had to try that everyday (as in pick her up for a bit and then let her down soon after she started struggling, then repeat - she's gotten a lot better about being held).
Overall my three issues are:
1. The poo, hoping that's over with now but if it's not I'll try something different.
2. The potential for her play attacking me - or really attacking me at some point and how I prevent that... So far all I really do is distract her with a toy after saying "no" in a loud voice because it's what I've read elsewhere.
3. Wondering if I socialized her wrong or not enough and how to fix it and if it did do it wrong if it still can be fixed.
Also I work 8 hours a day. Everyday before work I play with her for about 20 minutes and feed her. Then after work I play with her for about 20 minutes and feed her. Then at night before bed I usually try to play with her for a hour but if it's been a long day I may only do it for 30 minutes. Should I try to get more time in? Between work, sleeping, cleaning, playing with her, and trying to have a bit of a normal life too. I'm wondering if I should get more play time in with her or if it's enough.
---On a big plus side today when I brought her to the vet - in the car ride (which in the past she would cry the whole time she was in the car) I was able to say in a soothing voice "it's okay sabriel" or "it's okay" and she would be quiet for a few minutes. Or I'd say "it's okay" and put my hand back by her kennel and she'd be good for a while too. To me that was encouraging that she seemed to feel safer with my voice or by smelling my hand. Then at the vet she was good with me and with them trimming her claws, it wasn't until the vet tried to open her mouth to check her teeth that she almost bit him hard. Then after that he just lifted the corners of her mouth and she seemed fine. When we got home she seemed okay too and I gave her a treat for being good and hopefully to encourage her to like her kennel (potentially). I keep her kennel/crate in her room all the time so that she's not afraid of it when i have to use it, so she's at least easy to get in there...
Sorry for the long story/ramble. Any responses would be great and thank you.
P.S. Do you think those "calming" treats at petco would actually work? They're all natural so they at least shouldn't harm a cat... I gave one to Sabriel last night to seem if she would be less skittish. She was less skittish and still had her usual energy so I think they should be fine... But would like to know what other savannah owner's think. Because a savannah cat and a domestic cat are very, very different...
P.S.S. I love Sabriel, I really do. I love her personality and I wouldn't change her for the world...
P.S.S.S. With my first savannah I actually ~meowed~ at her and she seemed to get me more and respond to the meows and would meow back. I've done this with Sabriel since I got her, and she's never meowed back which is fine, but I'm wondering if maybe she doesn't get or doesn't like it because she doesn't seem to respond to it.. she just looks at me like I'm crazy.. ( I meowed with my old domestic cat too and he liked it and would respond.) So is it a personality thing or is she potentially seeing me as another cat threat/alpha or what.. I'm trying to figure out if I should just stop... But maybe she does like it and just doesn't meow back, but associates me with the meowing... and blah. My brain is going round and round with this so I'm just going to post and get input.