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Help with new Kitten

Masooma Ali

Savannah Kitten
Hi Forum,

We just got a kitten from domesticwildcats she is now 10 weeks old. As we have never had a savannah before we are hoping you can give us some advice and confirmation that the following things are normal:

1) She cries like a little baby when we close our bedroom door at night because she wants to get into bed with us

2) She often ninja attacks our feet and keeps going at it... we had to trim her nails since she doesn't realize that we can get scratched and when she does get a hold of our feet she tries to bite lightly. I guess we just aren't sure if this is normal. We had a kitten before (a normal one) and she never did this nor did she keep coming back over and over again.

3) We noticed that at least in the last two weeks she is giving off a lot of gas -- at this rate we may as well rename her stinky.

4) We always heard Savannah's like water but she hates being given a bath -- is this normal?

Your answers would really help us out a great deal.



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Savannah Super Cat
1) She wants to be with you! It's separation anxiety ^_-. You're her new parent. Of course she's going to cry when she can't sleep with you.
2) She wants to play- are there any other cats/animals in the house to play with? Plenty of toys and things to climb on? Are you working in enough play time with her? A lot of that is just energy that she's trying to burn off. I find that my savannah Vakai nibbles on my fingers: I see it as a sign of affection.. I hope he's not sampling me.
3) What's she eating?
4) While some Savannahs like playing in water, every cat is an individual. Not every SV is going to love water, and I have to ask- did she fall in a puddle of mud? If not, why are you bathing her? Cats are very good about keeping themselves clean. You shouldn't have to bathe them unless there's an issue like fleas or a skin condition or when a mud puddle meeting happens. The kitty might start taking umbrage with you if you keep bathing her.

Masooma Ali

Savannah Kitten
She eats Royal Canin Kitten 36, and Fancy Feast chicken with gravy. Lately we've just been feeding her the Royal canin kitten.
We bathe her because her father is a F3 Jungle cat hybrid/Chausie and mom an F2 savannah, which resulted in the kitten having a bobtail. I guess since she is still little she still hasn't mastered the art of cleaning herself even though she is litter trained and uses the litter. We bathe her because we don't want to get any litter particles in bed when she sleeps with us. Also, if we don't bathe her she does tend to stink.
Looking forward to your reply/suggestion.

Pam Flachs

Savannah Super Cat
Hi Masooma Ali and welcome! Your little girl is adorable :)

Are you saying you have had her for two weeks...and she is now 10 weeks old? She is still VERY much a baby. Her biting may be her way of telling you she is hungry. She may also be attacking your feet because she wants attention from you and because she hasn't learned not to...offer her a toy instead, and don't react when she does that, by walking away and not rewarding the behavior.

It very well could be the food that is causing the gas, but I think she needs more than just dry food. You can try soaking some of the dry in hot water, and adding some cooked and cooled chicken breast to it. I wouldn't switch to another food at this time, but that is something you could consider in the future.

Instead of bathing her, which she obviously does not seem to enjoy, could you just wipe her paws and bottom off with baby wipes, if you are concerned about her bringing litter with her into your bed? :) Do you think she stinks because she has gas? A healthy kitten or cat should not have any discernible odor....

Have you talked to Taryn for advice?


Staff member
I am a bit concerned about the pottying issue. A cat with a nst (bobbed) tail should not have any elimination problems, but if she is a rumpy (no tail or only one tail vertebrae) it is possible that the nerve endings did not develop completely which can lead to poor or no bladder and bowel control. Was the breeder aware of this issue before selling her to you?

I think your feet have become her substitute kitten siblings or friends - she is attacking them as she would a kitten playmate. It may be cute as a kitten but will not be pleasant as she gets older. You should try to redirect her attention by offering some sturdy toys that she can chew on and play with instead of your toes.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
I agree with Patti, a normal-tailed Savannah does NOT have litter particles sticking to the rear from elimination problems...

I think her crying and attacking feet are part and parcel of a kitten being rehomed way too early. Your other post said you had had her 2-3 weeks so she was 7-8 weeks old when you got her? My kittens haven't even had their first vaccination yet at that age! Their little immune systems are so fragile so to be changing homes then is risky. She hasn't learned proper behavior from siblings and possibly mom if she was weaned early as well as everything else happening early. My kittens here are exuberant and occasionally think that leaping at a human is fun but they do know it is not acceptable as they have been taught to play with humans with wand toys, not wrestling directly with them.

And in terms of the water thing, it is a myth that all Savannahs love water, many do but mostly they seem more accepting of getting wet than many other cats but won't jump into a full bathtub (although I have had some that love to). Making sure you make bathtime as pleasant as possible and the least scary would be important. Always use warm water etc.

Trish Allearz

I am a bit concerned about the pottying issue. A cat with a nst (bobbed) tail should not have any elimination problems, but if she is a rumpy (no tail or only one tail vertebrae) it is possible that the nerve endings did not develop completely which can lead to poor or no bladder and bowel control. Was the breeder aware of this issue before selling her to you?

I think your feet have become her substitute kitten siblings or friends - she is attacking them as she would a kitten playmate. It may be cute as a kitten but will not be pleasant as she gets older. You should try to redirect her attention by offering some sturdy toys that she can chew on and play with instead of your toes.

This is kinda what I was thinking too- probably because Patti has discussed issues with rumpies and whatnot before.


and his servant, Paul
Masooma Ali, please understand we're not mad at you per getting the kitten early; we're mad that any breeder would release a kitten at only 7 weeks old.

Per #3 and #4, these sound closely related. What is the consistency of her droppings? Methinks she's not handling the current food well; you might want to do some more research into the kind of food you're feeding her and ease her onto a holistic, grain-free diet such as the Innova Evo line of food.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Very good point, we most definitely aren't mad at you... it's just disappointing when we hear of a breeder doing something that is not in the kitten's best interest like that :-(