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Home alone:-(


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Our female F2, Malaika will be coming home sometime in April I believe, we will take about a week off of work to bond with our little girl, but then we both work at Southwest Airlines and we will be gone like 9 to 91/2 hours a day. Our second F2 Savannah, Zumani, won't be coming home for like 2 to 3 weeks later. I'm uncomfortable leaving her all alone for such a long time. Will she be ok? What should I do?

Trish Allearz

She'll be fine :) She'll learn to live off of your schedule. Would she prefer you guys home the entire time? Sure- but cats learn to adapt. Particularly once Zu comes homes- she'll have a great buddy to play with :) In the meantime, though, I would have her in one room of your house when gone- completely SV proofed!


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Ok, totally do-able. But still feel bad:-( I know she, they will be fine once they have each other. Do I have to do that quarentine thing with him when he comes home, or no cause they are from the same breeding house?

Trish Allearz

Ok, totally do-able. But still feel bad:-( I know she, they will be fine once they have each other. Do I have to do that quarentine thing with him when he comes home, or no cause they are from the same breeding house?
I would definitely do it- because it will help YOU bond with HIM. Quarantine isn't always about health issues or socializing, etc- it is a very special time for you to bond with that specific baby :D


Chirps & Massive Headbutts
I agree with Trish. She should be fine and will adapt to your schedule. I have done this with Shango a few times, but typically I'm able to see him at lunch during work and he likes that a lot (maybe 4-6 hr alone intervals). On the weekends I spend a lot of time with Shango, he's quite the budd.

I bet you're getting excited! dj


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Totally! And we can't come home on breaks, airplanes coming and going way too often. And people don't generally like to wait too long for their luggage:) and we don't live all that close to the airport. :-( we'll deal. Probably harder on us more than her. I'll put some music on or something so it won't be so so quiet. I've don't that before with past pets.


Chirps & Massive Headbutts
No prob's...I be she'll be just fine. The music is a good thing IMO, I do the same!

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Our female F2, Malaika will be coming home sometime in April I believe, we will take about a week off of work to bond with our little girl, but then we both work at Southwest Airlines and we will be gone like 9 to 91/2 hours a day. Our second F2 Savannah, Zumani, won't be coming home for like 2 to 3 weeks later. I'm uncomfortable leaving her all alone for such a long time. Will she be ok? What should I do?
Many many cats "survive" while their owners are at work for a full working day :)

I think Cornell did a study on cats whose owners work and were alone during the day to see what the cats did. They generally curled up and slept the day away...which is why they are so demanding when you come home... they are well-rested and ready for action.

So you just need to be prepared when you come home after your long day of work that you can't just go and collapse and will need to spend the first half hour playing with your kitten! She will be demanding and tell you all about it, but in reality she shall be just fine while you are at work.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Ok, totally do-able. But still feel bad:-( I know she, they will be fine once they have each other. Do I have to do that quarentine thing with him when he comes home, or no cause they are from the same breeding house?
Yes, you still quarantine, as Trish says this is about the new kitten bonding to you too and this will make sure he does make friends with you before he meets his new kitty BFF.

Also, there is still some risk of infection. Kittens have to go to the vet before they fly for a health certificate for if the new kitten is shipped then he has potentially been exposed to more germs than whatever might be at the same breeder to your other kitten. Any time a kitten goes to the vet there is that potential, there's no getting around still something to consider...but mainly you should quarantine the second kitten for your bonding seems unfair to the kittens but it is only a short while and can make a big difference to you and your pets.