Savannah Cat Chat - THE Place for Savannah Cat Talk

Welcome to the Savannah Cat Chat Forum! Our forum has been in existence since 2012 and is the only one of its kind. We were here, serving the savannah cat community before Facebook and Instagram! Register for a free account today to become a member! Please use an email program other than Hotmail, since Hotmail accounts are blacklisted by many servers and ISP's. Once signed in, you'll be able to participate on this site in some of the forums by adding your own topics and posts. But in order to take advantage of the full features, such as a private inbox as well as connect with other members ad access some of the larger topics, a donation of $2.99/mo or $25/yr is requested. This will allow us to continue running this forum!

How do we catch these guys?


Wannabe Breeder
The past couple weeks I have dealt with 2 different people claiming to be selling savannahs and servals. Both posted fraudulent pictures and claimed they were of themselves or kittens they were selling... I have the e-mails and could post the pictures. some were so photoshopped it was rediculous. My question is... How do I report them? who can I contact about their false claims? I would love to reel one of these people in and catch them for the police if I could.


Staff member
It is very for reporting and contacting, all depends on where you saw the ads...feel free to post as it may help others.
LOL the USDA ... they are so wanting to be up in everyone business ... sorry I know you are asking a serious question. I wish I had a better answer for you. If you likes though ... me and the boys we can go roughs them up a little bit ... you know jersey style ;)

SV Dad

Savannah Super Cat
LOL the USDA ... they are so wanting to be up in everyone business ... sorry I know you are asking a serious question. I wish I had a better answer for you. If you likes though ... me and the boys we can go roughs them up a little bit ... you know jersey style ;)
Old School! Not many left who know how to take care of business!