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How much food?


Savannah Super Cat
Hi everyone!

It's been about 2 months with Jengo now and he's getting pretty big, I weighed him the other day and he's 11 pounds (of crazy need to play all the time energy.)

I've been feeding him the wellness 3 oz cans and he scarfs, he has kibble but won't touch it unless it's the middle of the night - he's pretty good at just eating at his feed times.

How much should I be feeding him, I am just wondering if he's getting enough food? The wellness cans say 3 cans a day per 6-8 lbs well he's almost double that and pretty active. Does he need more?


Staff member
He may need more, Charley, depending on his may have to switch to the larger cans, LOL!!! I know that Zuri is extremely active and I was not feeding her really, I see no reason not to feed more. Once he slows down, then you cut back and follow the directions...


Hi everyone!

It's been about 2 months with Jengo now and he's getting pretty big, I weighed him the other day and he's 11 pounds (of crazy need to play all the time energy.)

I've been feeding him the wellness 3 oz cans and he scarfs, he has kibble but won't touch it unless it's the middle of the night - he's pretty good at just eating at his feed times.

How much should I be feeding him, I am just wondering if he's getting enough food? The wellness cans say 3 cans a day per 6-8 lbs well he's almost double that and pretty active. Does he need more?
I suggest never restricting the amount of food in growing kittens. I feed all they want and keep kibble down at all times. They will not overeat in my HO;>)


Site Supporter
My 4 month 4 pound F4 eats an incredible amount of food everyday! I feed him only Stella and Chewy prepared raw, no kibble, and he eats 4-5 times a day or else he howls with hunger. I now make sure I feed him shortly before bedtime too or else he eats strange things during the night - like his placemat :/


Savannah Super Cat
Thanks for the feedback I am feeding 4-5 times now and he seems much happier and way less of the terror he was being, lol!

Do the cubed and minced Wellness selections come in larger cans? He doesn't seem to like anything unless it's got chunks of meat in it (perhaps I spoiled him) and I can't seem to find those selections in larger cans.

I noticed now that I am feeding him more he's not scarfing down an entire plate - so I guess he won't over eat :)


Savannah Super Cat
Have you thought of supplementing the canned with chunks of raw chicken? You can just buy some drumsticks and cut them up bones and all. Just make sure you rinse them really well first. He'll probably scarf those right down.


Staff member
Have you thought of supplementing the canned with chunks of raw chicken? You can just buy some drumsticks and cut them up bones and all. Just make sure you rinse them really well first. He'll probably scarf those right down.

That's a great suggestion, jacqui!


Savannah Super Cat
Have you thought of supplementing the canned with chunks of raw chicken? You can just buy some drumsticks and cut them up bones and all. Just make sure you rinse them really well first. He'll probably scarf those right down.

He doesn't seem to dig raw food when we've tried to feed it to him :( Not sure if that's because he's an F7SBT or what the deal is. I have been thinking about just buying extra chicken and throwing that in with his food though because he seems to love it...probably cheaper than buying extra kitty food.


Savannah Super Cat
If he likes cooked chicken, just cook it less and less each time so he gets used to it, and then eventually you won't need to cook it at all.