My % might be off a little but not by much.
I've read that you should feed your cat 2-3 % of his weight. Kittens up to 10% of their adult weight.
My question is when do you start to transition from 10% downwards to the 2-3%
Simba is 8 months old and about 10lbs
He is on a raw diet and eating 10-12 oz daily.
Also Savannah's adult weight can very by as much as 10lbs
I've read that you should feed your cat 2-3 % of his weight. Kittens up to 10% of their adult weight.
My question is when do you start to transition from 10% downwards to the 2-3%
Simba is 8 months old and about 10lbs
He is on a raw diet and eating 10-12 oz daily.
Also Savannah's adult weight can very by as much as 10lbs