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Savannah Super Cat
I have another question...
My kitty is stricktly and indoor cat. However, when the door is open, she looks longingly out the screen at the birds and anything moving. I kind of feel sorry for her that she is relagated to the house. Do you think this is okay for an F2 Savanna to only be an indoor cat? I am aftaid that if I harness her and take her outside, when she is inside, she will have the strong desire to go out and possibly run past one of us as we open a door. And then we would loose her.

Pam Flachs

Savannah Super Cat
I don't think there's a cat on earth that wouldn't rather be outside, chasing birds and whatever else catches their fancy :) Not only is that an unsafe existence (getting lost, stolen, hit by a car, hurt by other animals, risk of disease exposure) but you are correct in worrying that once taken outside to walk, she may try to go out on her own. I would recommend if you do take her out in a well-fitting, strong walking harness with identity tag (wearing two jackets at once is even better) on a leash with a strong snap, that you put her in a carrier first, then go outside with her in it, and bring her back in inside the carrier. That way she won't associate walking or being carried out the door on her own. Other options might be to create her own outdoor enclosure; I screened in a small porch with pet-proof screening for my cats. They know what it means when I ask "who wants to go outside"? I added branches, a litter box, water and food bowls, a cat tree, and installed a bird feeder outside of it. I have to say this is my cats' favorite room! You could also buy one of the steel modular dog pens such as ones made by Lucky Dog or Magnum to set up outside for her. They are very easy to assemble, move around, and add on to, and come with a peaked tarp roof. Menard's sells the 4' x 4' x 6' tall pen for $140, and I have even found a few on Craigslist. You will need to add extra reinforcement to the roof, though, like zip ties, to prevent a curious cat from escaping. I have seen pics of some pretty amazing outdoor enclosures for cats using a variety of materials. I plan to add another one to my house using a window access. I'd also like to add, since your girl is curious about the great outdoors, that you should be very sure the current screen on your door is cat-proof, whether replacing it with pet-proof screening or adding a safety grille to keep your precious girl in :)


Savannah Child
I worry about this too. We are working on an outdoor enclosure for them now. Our plan is to build it close to the house and have a window access tunnel with a cat door, we can close when we are not home.

Lori Greer

Cahaba Cats
I worry about this too. We are working on an outdoor enclosure for them now. Our plan is to build it close to the house and have a window access tunnel with a cat door, we can close when we are not home.
I think that is the best possible solution! Safe, convenient and provides the stimulus fresh air and enrichment that they need. You won't regret creating the outdoor space for them. :)


Staff member
I don't think there's a cat on earth that wouldn't rather be outside, chasing birds and whatever else catches their fancy :) Not only is that an unsafe existence (getting lost, stolen, hit by a car, hurt by other animals, risk of disease exposure) but you are correct in worrying that once taken outside to walk, she may try to go out on her own. I would recommend if you do take her out in a well-fitting, strong walking harness with identity tag (wearing two jackets at once is even better) on a leash with a strong snap, that you put her in a carrier first, then go outside with her in it, and bring her back in inside the carrier. That way she won't associate walking or being carried out the door on her own. Other options might be to create her own outdoor enclosure; I screened in a small porch with pet-proof screening for my cats. They know what it means when I ask "who wants to go outside"? I added branches, a litter box, water and food bowls, a cat tree, and installed a bird feeder outside of it. I have to say this is my cats' favorite room! You could also buy one of the steel modular dog pens such as ones made by Lucky Dog or Magnum to set up outside for her. They are very easy to assemble, move around, and add on to, and come with a peaked tarp roof. Menard's sells the 4' x 4' x 6' tall pen for $140, and I have even found a few on Craigslist. You will need to add extra reinforcement to the roof, though, like zip ties, to prevent a curious cat from escaping. I have seen pics of some pretty amazing outdoor enclosures for cats using a variety of materials. I plan to add another one to my house using a window access. I'd also like to add, since your girl is curious about the great outdoors, that you should be very sure the current screen on your door is cat-proof, whether replacing it with pet-proof screening or adding a safety grille to keep your precious girl in :)

Pam, some great advice and tips...I take taj out on a leash and harness, but...he tries to run out after that. it is winter so I am not taking him out now, but I also feel badly because he so loves to be outside. Ia m going to post his trotting video here tomorrow (when I get a chance) and you will be able to see how much he loves walking...he trots like a little doggy :) I like your idea about an enclosure and plan on putting one on my deck this spring...thanks for the name of some enclosures. Your room sounds like kitty heaven ;-]

MK Anderson

We are still working on our outdoor fenced enclosure, probably wont finish till summer. I do have a full glass enclose deck off of our family room on our second floor, it really nice and the cats love it. Keeba unfortunately, can no longer go out there alone anymore(without human) :( he like up jump up on the rail and walk it :mad:....

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
One thing I suggest if you want to take your cat out on a leash is not to walk them through the door. Put the harness and leash on in a room away from the door and then put in a crate to take outside first. Then they do not associate the door with getting outside. I had an F2 that would go sit on a stool near the drawer with the harnesses and just purr loudly at me if I came near.... she associated that position with walks not the door.

I haven't found the cats I have walked more on the leash were the really insistent door darters, but I do think that the ones that have that overwhelming curiosity are the ones that likely people do take outdoors thinking it will make them's not the walking then that is the issue, it is that cat's personality that wants to get out.

I definitely found that giving the cats an outdoor enclosure to just sit outside and watch birdies meant that they weren't trying to dart out the front door anymore. Our front entry is a double doorway also so harder for them to succeed in getting out also.


Staff member
Good advice, Brigitte! I do carry Taj outside with his leash and I think he just loves the outside so much that he just wants to be out..I cannot even say the word around him - LOL! He darts out though, that is the only issue. But I noticed that if I walk him long enough, he darts out less. he walks about an hour at a clip in the spring and summer :)

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
My worst escapee ever (Lara) never got leash-walked... while Baz who likely gets more walks than any of the current residents has little interest in going out the door, mind you I never take him out the front door, they get carried through the garage. Nina once darted by my legs into the garage so when we caught her she spent a week in the garage enclosure as reward...and she doesn't do that anymore, LOL! I think some personalities just want out though and no matter the tactic they will be trouble...