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Is this kitty still around?

Paul B

My wife and I have been contemplating getting a play partner for Sorte. I was going good through a few hybrid rescue sites and Iffound one that is in Vacaville, about an hour from me. It is called Pure Breds Plus. I saw this beautiful kitty and was wondering if anyone knew of this Savvy?

patches6_hybrid.jpg patches3_hybrid.jpg

The site is kind of confusing as to whether she is still available or not.



My Paul, that is Patches, she was placed with the assistance of Savannah Rescue a few years ago. Purebreds Plus is an extremely reputable rescue group that Savannah Rescue works closely with. Patches was recently listed as available again, due to personal matters, her family must give her up. We posted her to our Rescue lists and are now in the process of getting her to her hopefully forever home.

Paul B

My Paul, that is Patches, she was placed with the assistance of Savannah Rescue a few years ago. Purebreds Plus is an extremely reputable rescue group that Savannah Rescue works closely with. Patches was recently listed as available again, due to personal matters, her family must give her up. We posted her to our Rescue lists and are now in the process of getting her to her hopefully forever home.

Is she still in Vacaville? Could you send me some info on her? Or is all the info somewhere on the Savannah Rescue site? (I couldn't find it)


Is she still in Vacaville? Could you send me some info on her? Or is all the info somewhere on the Savannah Rescue site? (I couldn't find it)
No she is in Illinois now. We believe we have found her forever home here in California though. We are working out the transport to California from Illinois. She will be flown in cabin to her new family. She is not on our Rescue site, she was listed on our Rescue Yahoo list.

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
No, she is in Chicago, IL now... but if our travel arrangements finally get sorted out she shall be going to her new home in early January down in Southern California...

No, she is not listed on the rescue website, we generally find we place cats too quickly to be updating the website every few days... we have over 7,000 people on our yahoogroup email notification list and for an attractive case like an F1 we tend to be absolutely swamped with offers shortly after posting available. She was listed on Nov 30 on our rescue yahoogroup though! It was a busy busy time for me fielding the offers!

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
LOL, Kristine and I answer much the same thing at the same time...

Our Rescue website IS due for a revamp, hopefully in the new year ... Paige is going to work wonders for us no doubt :)

Paul B

No she is in Illinois now. We believe we have found her forever home here in California though. We are working out the transport to California from Illinois. She will be flown in cabin to her new family. She is not on our Rescue site, she was listed on our Rescue Yahoo list.

Oh, gotcha. I just joined the Yahoo Rescue list. Darn, I was a little too late. Well, then I hope she has found her purrrfect forever home. :)


If something goes amiss with the new home, we can let you know Paul B. Stay on the Rescue list, and I would also join the Yahoo group It is for people who need to rehome their cats for various reasons and also for listing of retired breeding kitties. There is a price limit of under $500.00 and you may be able to find a great new Savannah companion for Sorte there (-: