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I've grown soft


Savannah Super Cat
Maybe its the aging process, maybe it's empty nest syndrome...or maybe this is what happens when you own an SV.

Before Leyla joined our family, I was adamant that things were going to be a certain way no matter what. One of my hard and fast rules was "NO CATS IN THE BED".....last night I slept with a cat earmuff...literally right on my head.

So much for "rules"....


Savannah Super Cat
I think it's an SV thing! That rule, along with absolutely no cats on the counter, was the bottom line for us. Apparently Miss Sofia has been training us very effectively. She now sleeps with us every night, and sits at the far end of the island if I go to the fridge.


Animal Communicator
Zeddie loves sleeping on the bed...same spot every night lol. She knows she isn't allowed on the counters so she doesn't go on them...when I'm home. I come home from work and my parents have a list f naughty things she did that she never does when I'm home. She knows how to work the system lol

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
They wear you down. My mum (who lives in Australia with the rest of my family) used to say on the phone "I don't know how you put up with them" when I'd tell her what they were currently up to... until she visited here and lived with them for a week or two. Now she understands... her favorite still was my Brit but she understands the appeal of Savannahs and why one puts up with their naughtiness because it is so darn amusing :)


Savannah Super Cat
They really are!! My better half is from Australia and he was the one that first found interest in Savannahs, where my soft spot has been Scottish Folds. I put a deposit on a Scottish Fold before we bought Leyla but he/she won't be ready to pick up until March and when I see the breeder that we got Leyla from still has 4 kittens and its taking all I'm worth not to bring home another SV instead :p But I think I might appreciate some calm to the storm lol

Brigitte Cowell

Staff member
Scottish Folds us a lot of British Shorthair so this should be a good match. My Brit does fabulously with the Savannahs, if he wishes for play he knows how to find it, but if he doesn't he just ignores their overtures. He doesn't react to them, and that is key... there's no escalation.

And then visually they are really different looks which is nice. For those that admire my Brit but don't want to pay as much money, I suggest they look at the nonstandard Folds that occur in each litter, as they are pretty much British Shorthairs without the papers :)


Savannah Super Cat
I looked at the British Shorthairs as well, both breeds are so adorable and they seem so laid back and relaxed. Finding a shorthair breeder in Alberta was challenging though. I've found two breeders of Folds here that are just a few hours from me, so driving and picking him/her up won't be a problem, which is what we did with Leyla as well. I was hoping the fact that their energy levels would complement each other :)