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JE and Savannahs

Trish Allearz

So just wanted to throw this out there...

For those who have kids and Savannahs, TICA has a wonderful program called Junior Exhibitors and if your SV is show eligible, it is so good to get your kids into JE.

First, it is undeniably good press for the Savannahs- to have children showing them in the Juniors' ring. Second, Juniors is NOT about judging the cat- so even if your cat has faults you don't care for- in JE, it does not matter. In JE, the judge is judging your child's knowledge of cat shows, cat show etiquette, the breed standard, and regular cat knowledge. For example- the judge might ask the child if you should make it obvious to a judge in a ring which cat belongs to you (no- no, you should not). Or the judge might ask what you do for your cat to prepare him for a show (for the Savannahs- many just clean ears and trim nails, I always bathe). JE is wonderful because it encourages future cat fanciers, it teaches kids about cat health, but what I really really like about it is that it gets children comfortable talking in front of an audience.

Anyways, we love JE and having our Savannahs in it :)


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Staff member
Thanks for posting this, trish. I never understood what the Junior Exhibitor rings were all about...sounds like an awesome program that TICA has come up with. Oh and your son is an absolute doll!

Trish Allearz

Darnit, I can't find Joyce's video of the last JE ring we did- Bubs was showing Saber.

They are really fun rings and it is so good for the kids- and the cats. I think it really speaks for itself when a 5 year old is lugging around an 8 month old cat all around the show hall and the cat just dangles from the kid's arms. You can't ask for a nicer cat and it reflects well upon the breed!


Staff member
I have never seen the JE ring, but now will make sure to look for one. Oh, definitely speaks well for our year, I will make it to Phoenix


Dog shows have Junior Exhibitors also! They judge the children on how well they handle the dog and how they present themselves, not the dogs.

Really cute pics!

Pam Flachs

Savannah Super Cat
So just wanted to throw this out there...

For those who have kids and Savannahs, TICA has a wonderful program called Junior Exhibitors and if your SV is show eligible, it is so good to get your kids into JE.

First, it is undeniably good press for the Savannahs- to have children showing them in the Juniors' ring. Second, Juniors is NOT about judging the cat- so even if your cat has faults you don't care for- in JE, it does not matter. In JE, the judge is judging your child's knowledge of cat shows, cat show etiquette, the breed standard, and regular cat knowledge. For example- the judge might ask the child if you should make it obvious to a judge in a ring which cat belongs to you (no- no, you should not). Or the judge might ask what you do for your cat to prepare him for a show (for the Savannahs- many just clean ears and trim nails, I always bathe). JE is wonderful because it encourages future cat fanciers, it teaches kids about cat health, but what I really really like about it is that it gets children comfortable talking in front of an audience.

Anyways, we love JE and having our Savannahs in it :)

Excellent post, Trish! I am going to have one or two of my grandchildren try it in the near future:)