How old is the kitten? I ask because our vet detected a slight murmur (Level I) in one of our 12-week old kittens, when we took him in to get his health certificate prior to shipping to his new home.
Although we have no history of heart issues in our lines, our vet and I made the decision to delay delivery to his new owner for another month. A month later, at his appointment with our vet, there was no trace of heart murmur whatsoever and we sent him on to his forever home.
Upon arrival, no murmur was detected by his new owner's vet all is well.
Perhaps it would behoove everyone involved to wait a few more weeks and have a recheck. According to our vet, often waiting that additional month allows the kitten a bit more time to develop and at the end of the day, there is no issue.
Perhaps this is also a reasonable option for you and your Breeder to consider.
Although you said the murmur was slight, you have not indicated whether the kittens murmur was diagnosed as a Level I, II, III or this may also be a very good question to ask.
A Level I Murmur in an infant is often considered benign...but if the murmur is a II - IV, you may be dealing with a whole different ballgame...and therefore I'd ask that question, perhaps ask to speak with the Breeders Vet to glean more information first hand prior to moving forward with your purchase and also ask for copies of the vet records to confirm diagnosis...all reasonable requests to my mind, as the kitten has been paid for an IS yours, barring a change in plans in the event of physcial defect.
Good luck!