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Kitty grooms my husband!


Savannah Super Cat
One of our kittens LOVES to groom my Husband's hair. If he sees my husband sitting on the couch, he'll sit on the back of the couch (perfect height of head to kitten's body/ mouth) and start grooming my Husband's hair. One side of his head will be completely wet by the end and if our kitty wants to groom another spot, he'll jump up and use his paws to either reposition my Husband's head or to get a better grip to yank his head down.

We are taking it as a sign of affection/ family love. Our kitten has been at it at least once a day and for 10 minutes at a time. Husband does say it hurts sometimes but can't say no since it's a sign of love.

I sure hope its "I love you" and not "you need a bath"... Does this happen to anyone else?
I think it's love! And I don't think it's because he thinks you need a bath. Our 9mo Xumi loves to do this to my husband and me AFTER our showers. She sits on the cabinet next to the tub and waits for us to be done. We then have to submit to her "inspection", first she licks our noses (they are never clean enough), then she moves on to the hair, grabbing our heads with both paws while she licks the hair and performs cheek rubs. We are not allowed to towel off until she is done.


Often I see mine co-grooming on the bed, and it can go on for an hour or more (wet kitties--ick!). Sometimes I'll sit next to them and they'll turn to me and start grooming me. I don't tolerate those sandpaper tongues very well so I'm happy when they turn back to each other, but it's nice to be included in the lovefest from time to time.

Pam Flachs

Savannah Super Cat
My stud boy Simboya will groom my fiance's hair. My domestic girl always has to inspect Cory's hair after every shower...grabbing his head and positioning it correctly, then rewashing it, lol. She is very insistent, and is quite insulted and upset if there is no time to make sure he is properly clean before going out in public;)


Staff member
In my case, I'm pretty sure it's the shampoo/conditioner I use. Only one of mine grooms my hair and another one likes to nibble on my chin. The hair groomer attempts to throw his whole body onto my head and after licking my hair into a punk rocker style, he attempts to rub his entire body in it whilst purring & drooling:rolleyes:


Savannah Super Cat
I think it's standard behavior for the breed. My F1, F3 and F5 all do these loving behaviors. My F1 is the most enthusiastic. I also look like a punk rocker when she's done.


Savannah Super Cat
Adorable! I'll have to experiment with shampoos :)

But our Kitty hates water so it's never been after a shower but only when dry so far. I figure my husband's hair seems a lot like the texture of a short haired cat so he thinks my husband is a giant fur-less weird cat brother? I'm jealous.


Savannah Super Cat
Mine usually isn't after a shower either. I just think it's the way they show affection like they do when they groom each other . I don't think it has anything to do with shampoo.
In my case, I'm pretty sure it's the shampoo/conditioner I use. Only one of mine grooms my hair and another one likes to nibble on my chin. The hair groomer attempts to throw his whole body onto my head and after licking my hair into a punk rocker style, he attempts to rub his entire body in it whilst purring & drooling:rolleyes:

Ah, Savannah drool = leave-in conditioner?


Savannah Super Cat
LOL! I never knew cats could produce so much saliva. Domestics groom you and you're perfectly dry; Savannah's...not so much!