Let's talk about the quirky behavior of our wonderful cats -- things that make us laugh or cause our hair to turn gray.
Taji loves to drag things around the house -- cat beds, rugs, dirty laundry, anything he can move. He picks challenging objects sometimes and it makes me laugh (and hurts his feelings) when I see him chest to the floor & butt in the air dragging something really heavy.
Maliik is at war with fruit. He hates fruit. Every time I put fresh fruit into the fruit bowl he has to serval slap it into submission. Bananas are his particular nemesis and when he's done with them, they look like they've been run over by a car.
Juba prefers to get my attention by attempting to bring me down to his eye level. When I'm walking through the house, he'll hurl himself at my feet, ridge up & tail pouffed, when he wants to cuddle. Can't tell you how many times I've been knocked into a wall or almost did a face plant just because he wants his chin scratched.
Taji loves to drag things around the house -- cat beds, rugs, dirty laundry, anything he can move. He picks challenging objects sometimes and it makes me laugh (and hurts his feelings) when I see him chest to the floor & butt in the air dragging something really heavy.
Maliik is at war with fruit. He hates fruit. Every time I put fresh fruit into the fruit bowl he has to serval slap it into submission. Bananas are his particular nemesis and when he's done with them, they look like they've been run over by a car.
Juba prefers to get my attention by attempting to bring me down to his eye level. When I'm walking through the house, he'll hurl himself at my feet, ridge up & tail pouffed, when he wants to cuddle. Can't tell you how many times I've been knocked into a wall or almost did a face plant just because he wants his chin scratched.